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Friday, November 29, 2013

Thankful 2013

There is so much that I have to be thankful for. First to come to mind: my husband. Jackson continues to get the kids ready every single morning, while I'm at work. He makes a healthy breakfast every morning - scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, smoothies, omelets, you name it. Puts my granola bar to shame! He makes sure their bellies are full of goodness and ready for a long day. He doesn't take shortcuts or rush them around. After loading up in the truck, he tunes in his toddler station and they head out for the day. My work has demanded too much of me this year, and there have been too many days that I'm stuck at work late, and he doesn't hesitate to drop what he's doing to pick them up and get dinner started...or even carry out the remainder of parenting duties for the rest of the day. Then, when I get home, he somehow musters the energy to encourage me when I feel down for being absent. I don't know how he does it, but I'm so.thankful.that.he.does.
#2 and #3, in no particular order: My girl. Such a kind, careful, thoughtful soul. Kind: she is sincere in asking how my day was when I pick her up from school. She wants to know the likes and dislikes of others. She is truly considerate of others' feelings. She seeks and includes others in activities and conversations. Careful: she worries more than I would like. Very cautious about the street, for example. The other night we went to dinner and the rule is to 'grab a hand' when in a parking lot. Bryson didn't listen and darted across the parking lot to the restaurant entrance. Brooklyn was so up in arms, she shed tears of fear as she hollered for him to 'grab mommy's hand!'  Don't think that he didn't get lectured when we met him at the door! I didn't even need to parent him - she scolded him enough, telling him that he could get hit by a car, go to the hospital, and who knows what else she told him in attempt to instill fear. Thoughtful: she makes special cards for us every day. She loves to color. And when she does, she'll usually draw a picture of the recipient, and then it's just a matter of time before the audience is all accounted for. By the time she was done with Grandpa's birthday card, she drew all 11 members of the family!
My boy. Sweet, funny, and athletic star. Sweet - the mornings start with a smile and a song! He'll often offer a giant hug with his morning smiles, and if we're not interested in facing the day yet, he'll lay in bed and sing a song waiting for us to accompany his consciousness. The song of the month is 'Jesus Loves the Little Children'. Music to my ears. Funny: Brooklyn will rock her babies to sleep and then announce to everyone that her baby is asleep. More times than not, Bryson will run over, shoot his arms to the sky and scream at the top of his lungs to wake her baby up! He does this knowing that it results in laughter from all of us, which it always does. Athletic: He challenges himself to do everything his sister does...and a younger age! Riding bikes: check. Climbing rock walls: check. Throwing baseball: check. Swim: check. Jump into the swimming pool: double check! That's all this kid wanted to do last summer! He loves to play soccer, hit the t-ball, and climb playground obstacles that she barely attempts. Makes for a nervous mom...until he achieves the activity, and then my nervousness turns into pride!