Us Now

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Back on Track

Here goes again - it's been well over a year since I've blogged, but now's as good a time as ever! I'm not going to pick up where we left off, but just start fresh.

Why blog again? Oh, because mommy (that's me!) woke up one day and realized that my family was living life in my absence. So I hit the re-do button and resigned from work. One month later, I'm still adjusting, but I'm more full of life than I have been in years! When logging in to the blog again, I realized that there are several posts that went unpublished, dating back to November 2013. Memories I would've forgotten had it not been for this. So, why blog again? For memory's sake. It's fun to reflect on moments that we don't realize will soon be memories...

A few recent pics to share:

 My sweet, thoughtful beauty. She's already counting down the days to her fifth birthday. I wish I could add 365 to the's coming too fast for me, but not fast enough for her. She told me today that I could pick any animal I wanted for her birthday & she'd be happy. Then she named the possibilities to consider: a lizard, turtle, hamster, guinea pig, frog, or snake. (I guarantee it won't be the latter.)

My superstar. He doesn't purposely show off. He's just athletic, like his dad used to be! Ridiculously athletic. He spent 45 minutes shooting baskets at school at the age of 2. And sweet, so sweet. He loves with all his heart. He runs to console his sister when she's sad, gathers us together for 'family hugs', and whispers secrets of "I love you" out of nowhere.

Summer 2014