Us Now

Monday, December 28, 2009

First Thanksgiving

One of the few family traditions my family always had was at Thanksgiving. During the prayer before dinner, we would take turns going around the table listing the one thing we were most thankful for that year. Last year, I was most thankful for the answered prayers of my mom's improved health, after being diagnosed with colon cancer. That scare in August was a reminder of how precious life is. And it reminded me of how much I love my mom.

This year, although we didn't list our blessings aloud, that was the first thing I did on Thanksgiving morning. I listed them one by one. And number one this year was the health of our new beautiful baby girl! We're also thankful for the supportive family that surrounds us with love and joy all year long! It's been amazing to watch the faces of our friends and family light up with smiles when visiting Brooklyn! My favorite is watching her Great Grandpa (Papa) Byrd hold her. His eyes light up so bright when in her presence! It's pretty fun to watch!!

Here are some pics of her other "Great's":

Great Grandma Byrd

(Great) Nona

And Great Grandma Helen

She's still waiting to meet Great Grandma Lee in California! Maybe next summer?!

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