Us Now

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How time flies...

When I began this blog, I wondered how people didn't have the time to update their blogs. Now I know! I think it's been 6 weeks since I've made an entry...and I can't begin to update everyone on all of the growth we've seen! So we'll just have to start over. Brooklyn is growing up and becoming her own little person with each passing day...

She said GOODBYE to her slender body image and HELLO! to healthy chubby cheeks and roly-poly thighs! She'll try to eat ANYTHING...including her Raggedy Ann doll from Aunt Jan.

She welcomes each morning with smiles and conversation from her crib (these conversations can last over an hour while we shower and get dressed!). Her bucket of love is endless.

She started playing the piano and driving cars (in the safety of our living room, of course!)

Although she'd been talking and smiling for weeks, her first true burst of laughter was instigated by her silly cousin Canon! It melted my heart!

I left my job to be at home with her full time! So we're looking forward to many, many days full of giggles and memories together! Our first mission: Tummy Time!

(I seem to be a bit more excited than her on this subject...)


  1. Horray!!! I'm so glad to see the pictures and it looks like she is already practicing to be a great pianist, like our Nona. I can't wait to see you guys... hopefully soon. XOXO

  2. YAY! I am so happy to see a post, and so glad to hear that you get to stay home with her! I can't wait to meet sweet Brooklyn! Maybe her and Brooke will grow up and be close cousins! That would be so wonderful! Miss you guys!

  3. She is BEAUTIFUL! Isn't is so fun being a parent?! It just keeps getting better and better. Little Weston keeps surprising us with new things. He just melts our heart. :-)
