Us Now

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dad's Day

To accommodate his baseball schedule, we celebrated Jackson's first Father's Day on Saturday night. Brooklyn & I picked out a special card just for him, where she named him 'the bestest daddy on the planet'!

...and a book especially for them, titled 'Just Me and My Dad'

After domination on the baseball field Sunday (where they placed 2nd in the tournament - go Tulsa Tide!!), Jackson's dad, stepmom & sister joined us for a wonderful dinner, thanks to Stephanie!

I cut my visit with them short to spend some time with my dad Sunday evening. Anyone with a baby knows that it's very hard to carry on a conversation with a baby in tow! So it was nice to be able to spend some one-on-one time with my dad. Even though he was exhausted from his day job and working out in the field all day (for several days in a row), he humored me with conversation til he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. Happy Father's Day, Dad! Years ago, my aunt described him as the rock of the family...he keeps everyone in touch, serves as a motivator, encourager, and a great role model. I couldn't agree more. Thank you, Dad, for all that you do for our family. And let's not forget that "behind every good man is a great woman". Thanks, Mom for all that you do, too!
Here's a tribute to all dad's: It's a MUST watch!
I thought I'd leave you with a pic of our beauty's pearly whites...7 months old and working on her 7th tooth! It seems like that's all I write about: teeth, teeth, and more teeth!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Aside from the soft blankie used to rub on her face at naptime, the toy that brings Brooklyn the most smiles is a character we named Sammy...(he's actually a nameless Dr. Seuss character). Her arms are like on auto-pilot when she sees him: they open wide and reach toward him, while her mouth changes from a smile to an open-mouth kiss!

Besides his funny looking face, the next most intriguing thing about him is the tag on his backside. This requires very close inspection upon each encounter, which usually includes taste-testing...

'What else has this busy lady been up to?', you may ask. Well, she's keeping us at the edge of our seats as she rocks back and forth, showing signs of crawling someday...

...she's been flashing her pearly whites and chompin on her toes as she rolls around babbling in bed...

...and she's had some very close encounters with the cats, whose lives will forever change after that first touch. 'Watch out, kitty kat', we tell them, as she applauds her own efforts!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Seven months and counting

Jackson & I reminisced on a newborn photo of our baby girl last night. It was our first family photo. Still in the hospital, the day after we welcomed Brooklyn into this crazy, wonderful world. She looks so teeny tiny propped up between us. Jackson almost seemed to doubt that it was even the same baby!

Brooklyn & I hitched a ride with Grammy and longtime family friend Kathy to visit Great Aunt Jan & Uncle Jerry a couple weeks ago. We had a great visit! I got some peaceful time in the sun by the lake (my favorite pasttime!), while Brooklyn played with everyone inside.

She had her first dip in the pool over Memorial Day weekend! The first of many pool memories to come, I hope...
In fact, her second pool experience was the very next day with Mimi & Grandpa sitting poolside.

She 'celebrated' her 7-month 'birthday' out on the lake in the Lonestar State with the Rittenoures. Here she is all lubed up with SPF, sportin her bikini & shades...asking 'what's the hold up here?'

Sacrificing some dignity for her mom's peace of mind, Brooklyn agreed to wear her lifevest and hang out in her infant carrier on the floor of the boat for her first boating excursion. And boy was she a trooper! Getting cooled off by sucking ice cubes and feeling the wind in her, hem...face, she enjoyed more than 3 hours out there in the TX heat...two days in a row!

Following the last boat ride, she enjoyed a cool bath and posed for this pic before dozing off in the car for the 5 hour drive home, where Jackson & I took turns singing to entertain her! What a life!