Us Now

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dad's Day

To accommodate his baseball schedule, we celebrated Jackson's first Father's Day on Saturday night. Brooklyn & I picked out a special card just for him, where she named him 'the bestest daddy on the planet'!

...and a book especially for them, titled 'Just Me and My Dad'

After domination on the baseball field Sunday (where they placed 2nd in the tournament - go Tulsa Tide!!), Jackson's dad, stepmom & sister joined us for a wonderful dinner, thanks to Stephanie!

I cut my visit with them short to spend some time with my dad Sunday evening. Anyone with a baby knows that it's very hard to carry on a conversation with a baby in tow! So it was nice to be able to spend some one-on-one time with my dad. Even though he was exhausted from his day job and working out in the field all day (for several days in a row), he humored me with conversation til he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. Happy Father's Day, Dad! Years ago, my aunt described him as the rock of the family...he keeps everyone in touch, serves as a motivator, encourager, and a great role model. I couldn't agree more. Thank you, Dad, for all that you do for our family. And let's not forget that "behind every good man is a great woman". Thanks, Mom for all that you do, too!
Here's a tribute to all dad's: It's a MUST watch!
I thought I'd leave you with a pic of our beauty's pearly whites...7 months old and working on her 7th tooth! It seems like that's all I write about: teeth, teeth, and more teeth!

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