Us Now

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Big Mac

We traveled to McAlester for a short visit with Brooklyn's Great Grandparents on Monday. Brooklyn crawled all over the living and dining rooms, begged for food from the dinner table, danced on the dinner table, jumped in her Great Grandpa's arms, and posed for some precious pics with Great Grandma after a short nap.

I'd say the trip was a success! Thanks for having us!
Oh, and this is just a bonus pic...I like it, so I thought I'd share it! Simple as that. :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Swimming & parties, oh my!

Brooklyn's been swimming with her Aunt Anna,

practicing her balancing act on any and every thing,

she's been dancing on tabletops with Grandpa,

celebrated her Great Nona's birthday with the family,
and was there to console her daddy when he got his butt kicked by her cousins in a 3-on-1 game of hoops!
Chin up. There's always next time, Daddy! :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Now you can see for yourselves! Enjoy! And ignore the fact, if possible, just hit 'mute'!

We've got a crawler!

July 14, 2010. The proudest day of my motherhood thus far! My mom was here to take over baby-duty while I got ready for my evening class. "I think she just crawled!" my mom said to me. "No way!" Our eyes became glued to her every drooling movement. One, two, three crawl-steps...straight to the floor outlet! At last! She'd had her eye on that outlet for months!

Really, I have to go to class now?! I wanted to blurt it out to daughter just crawled for the first time! Physically present, but mentally absent, the class seemed to last an eternity. On my way home I saw a little boy riding his bicycle. It made me look to the future, imagining the day when we'll teach Brooklyn how to ride her bike. First with training wheels...and then without! What a proud moment that will be! I also thought back to memories of me learning to ride a bike. In the hilly backyard of our Colorado Springs home. Kindergarten. I remember my parents' encouragement. And applause. And then the memory of selelcting my first ten-speed bike when we moved to Broken Arrow. From Lee's Bicycles. I'm so excited for our future!

Needless to say, I couldn't wait to be woken by her singing this morning! And while she was a bit slow to pick up where she left off, just an hour after opening her eyes, she's already crawled from one toy to the next. And that outlet...she hasn't forgotten about it!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Always playing catch-up!

It's been a while since I've blogged anything...and lots has happened! Brooklyn's been eating ducks at the park,

going to school on Wednesdays,
playing with Mimi on Wednesday nights,
and recently visited Aunt Diana,
and Great Grandma Helen!
We celebrated Brooklyn's first 4th of July as a family!
(She wasn't really feeling the pose...)
We picnicked on Riverside and were all ready to watch the show from the Jenks bridge when we felt sprinkles. Because we had unpacked the house on our picnic blanket, I slowly started packing in case the drops got bigger...which they did! So, we drove around to keep the baby happy & watched the show from the safety of the car! Rain aside, it was a great first 4th for miss B!

And my family put on a fireworks show for us out in Beggs the next night.
(the ears are just irresistable for me, so it's Easter every day in our house!)

Brooklyn had fun with her Mimi & Aunt Nessa...
had fun watching her cousins play...
but passed out before the big show...
She officially has 8 teeth now! And it's been a long couple of weeks while she worked on these last two teeth. So in celebration of the return of a happy baby, we spent today at Riverwalk, where we had lunch, shopped, and jammed to some live music. Brooklyn loved every second of it!!