Us Now

Monday, June 20, 2011

A New Chapter

We survived the transition into full time school for my babies!  Many tears were shed (by all parties involved), but the worst of it is behind us, I believe. Brooklyn has a class of wonderful teachers: Miss Jennifer, Miss Whitney, Miss DJ, and Miss Caitlin. She gets nothing but positive reports: 'she's my best helper!' 'She helps clean up after playing!' 'She had fun playing house with Peyton & Madeline today.' and many more that bring smiles and an outstanding amount of pride to me and her daddy.

Bryson is a consistent champ, as was expected. Among his group of teachers is Ms. Debbie, Ms. Barb and Ms. Virginia. He definitely plays favorites, choosing Virginia as his #1 gal.  She's in her sixties, I would guess. Loving, sweet, and patient, with 2 children of her own (now grown with kids my age) that share the small difference in age as my babies. His reports are as follows: 'ate, slept, pooped, and smiled. He's a great little boy!'  And that he is. He's even showing signs of wanting to sleep at night for his mommy!!!  I don't want to jinx him, but he's slept in 6 hour increments pretty consistently over the past few nights.

As we all know, Brooklyn's loved her babies for quite a while now. But it seems that just recently she's using her imagination and really playing mommy. She has babies from all walks of life: Baby Dolls:

Sammy and Big Bird: 
 and even Monkeys:
If you ask her, she'll tell you that she loves them all! She treats each one with cautious care and endearment. She offers them food, drinks, paci's and blankets. All things she knows that a baby needs. Especially hugs and kisses. She'll point to me and say 'Mommy' and then point to herself and repeat the name. And I tell her that yes, she's a very good mommy!

Of course it's fun to watch her play mommy with her imaginary babies, but our favorite is to watch her be a loving, caring big sister to Baby Bryson:

Leaving my babies is a very hard thing to do. But I find peace in knowing that they're in good hands at their new school. I'm watching Brooklyn thrive in ways I've never seen before. I love to peak in the classroom when she doesn't know I'm watching. I love to hear the words of praise that everyone sings of her. I love being greeted with smiles and coos from my baby boy every single day I pick him up. I miss them terribly, but I know that this new chapter in our lives will make us all stronger and will provide a better life for us.
And for that I'm truly grateful.

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