Us Now

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Family photo

Brooklyn gets SOOO excited looking at this pic!

Just had to share.

Dress up

Part of being a little girl is dressing up.  And Brooklyn is no exception. Fashion sense may be a little odd, but hey, each to his own!

Strike a pose!

Bryson's having a conversation with Sammy, but there's something odd going on in the that a little girl walking around with pants on her head? Let's zoom in a little...

Yep. That's definitely a little girl with pants on her head!

This is an old favorite. It makes me think of her as an old lady:

And this is a new favorite. Nothing to do with dress up. Just a sweet little girl loving her mommy.

Monday, July 25, 2011

More funnies

Life is full of them when you have a toddler at home.

While arranging our patio furniture after torrential rains that sent furniture & our grill flying across the lawn yesterday, I stubbed my toe, which caused me to buckle over in pain. Brooklyn closely observed with a concerning look in her eyes. We go inside where I continue to complain and show my new bloody boo-boo to daddy when I look over and see Brooklyn purposely slam her foot into a pile of lego's and imitate my reaction. Seriously? Stealing my sympathy show? C'mon now.

Bryson can clear a room with his gas. Makes a mommy proud to hear four teachers, all on different occassions, remark on how terribly stinky he is!  I blame it on the gender. His poor future wife.

On the way to meet Grammy last Friday morning, I loaded a sleepy Brooklyn into the car, jammies on and blankie in mouth. I brought milk & blueberry muffins for the road. Halfway there, she devoured the muffins (like a little lady, of course) and resumed her blankie chewing immediately thereafter. Upon returning to my car after a fun-filled day with Grammy, she spotted the beloved fabric. Wadding a corner up in preparation for a full mouth stuff, she paused...looked a little closer, and developed a look of disgust. With precision and care, she picked something off of it and handed it to me (almost with an accusatory look as if I was the culprit that put something on her blankie). A partially chewed blueberry lay in the palm of my hand. Before I knew it, I had a pile of them. She had to get each and every one off before enjoying the next chew.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Boating adventure 2011

Brooklyn joined us on a friend's boat over the 4th of July! I of course dressed her in her swimsuit and sundress (after slathering on a ton of sunscreen), but she topped the outfit off with her hat & sunglasses!
 Say cheese!

Here she is chillin on daddy's lap (caught her in mid-chew of a cracker!):
She played on the boat, cheered Daddy on while wake boarding, and swam in the water all by herself!  So much energy was burned on that hot, hot day.  Four hours later: put a fork in her; she was DONE.
What a day! :)

Say cheese!

The kids got all dressed up for mommy's favorite summer holiday, 4th of July:

 Why aren't they posing together, you may ask? Well, this is what happens when asked to sit next to each other and pose:

You can't hear the screaming through the picture, so let me re-create it: "Nooooooooo!! Wwwwaaaaaaaaa! Mommmmmmmmmmma! Daaaaaaaaaaada!!!!" Something like that...

However, I must say that Brooklyn knows how to pose for a picture now! CHEESE!!!:

Big boy

Three and a half months old, Bryson tips the scale at 20 lbs!  BIG boy!  Maybe that's why he's so happy all the time - he always has a full belly!
 His legs are almost too chubby to fit in the Bumbo! And he's supposed to be able to use this for at least 3 more months! When we try to lift him up, the chair comes with him. So we peel it off to separate him from the chair.  But once he's in, he's a happy camper. 

Here he is driving the car his sister used to play with:

 He was actually hitting the steering wheel causing the lights & the music to go off and then he'd smile and coo, coo, coo! So precious.

Friday funnies

Thought I'd share some recent pics of our goofy girl and our chunk of a baby boy with a few funny stories mixed in between...happy Friday!!

When walking down the hall at school, Brooklyn bit the dust. She wasn't hurt, but still turned to me for sympathy. Seeing that my hands were full with her brother and his things, she realized that she would have to take matters into her own hands. So she leaned over, kissed her knee, 'mmmmm-uah' and resumed her speed walk down the hall.

 On our way to the Black Gold Days Festival...Brooklyn's so excited!!

She was crowned princess!

 Last night while lounging around in the living room, Brooklyn tooted. She immediately pointed at him and said "Daddy!" and giggled aloud!! She's already learning how to pass the blame!! And she chose the right parent to assign it to! :)

Random pictures from the pool:

We were playing on the back patio when Brooklyn bumped the back of her head on the door. She came down the steps to me and leaned over, asking for an owie kiss. Immediately following the kiss, she marched back up the steps, head-banged the door, and returned for another kiss.

On the way home from school one day, Brooklyn & I were reviewing our senses. We listen with our ears, smell with our noses, look with our eyes, etc., etc. One time I asked her "What do you listen with, Brooklyn?" "Daddy."  Ha. That's the truth! She definitely listens to her daddy more than mommy...