Us Now

Monday, July 25, 2011

More funnies

Life is full of them when you have a toddler at home.

While arranging our patio furniture after torrential rains that sent furniture & our grill flying across the lawn yesterday, I stubbed my toe, which caused me to buckle over in pain. Brooklyn closely observed with a concerning look in her eyes. We go inside where I continue to complain and show my new bloody boo-boo to daddy when I look over and see Brooklyn purposely slam her foot into a pile of lego's and imitate my reaction. Seriously? Stealing my sympathy show? C'mon now.

Bryson can clear a room with his gas. Makes a mommy proud to hear four teachers, all on different occassions, remark on how terribly stinky he is!  I blame it on the gender. His poor future wife.

On the way to meet Grammy last Friday morning, I loaded a sleepy Brooklyn into the car, jammies on and blankie in mouth. I brought milk & blueberry muffins for the road. Halfway there, she devoured the muffins (like a little lady, of course) and resumed her blankie chewing immediately thereafter. Upon returning to my car after a fun-filled day with Grammy, she spotted the beloved fabric. Wadding a corner up in preparation for a full mouth stuff, she paused...looked a little closer, and developed a look of disgust. With precision and care, she picked something off of it and handed it to me (almost with an accusatory look as if I was the culprit that put something on her blankie). A partially chewed blueberry lay in the palm of my hand. Before I knew it, I had a pile of them. She had to get each and every one off before enjoying the next chew.

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