Us Now

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer 2012

Just some of my random faves from my favorite months of the year...great memories behind each one.

First manicure


Look buddy!

The ponies

She's mine.

"Say what, Aunt Jan?!"

My men

3 floating amigos

Discovery walks

1 kool kid

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

C'mon, buddy

Bryson crashed in the car after a fun day in the sun with Grammy. As he snoozes, we go get Brooklyn from school. I ask her to be quiet for the ride home, knowing that he's overdue for some zzz's. So she doesn't say a word the.whole.way.home!  I was shocked!  20 mins of silence for a 2 year old.  Wow! 

We get home, unload, and hit the fridge for snacktime. She requests cheese and I'm cutting it, I look over and see that she's leading Bryson by the hand to her little table. "C'mon, buddy, c'mon" she says in her calm, motherly voice. She pulls out his chair, he sits down, and snacktime is on

Oh, wait - she realizes he needs silverware. "Hold on, buddy. Let me get you a fork." Upon delivery, the kiwi is gone.  "Berries comin' up!" I proclaim.  Anything to keep this show going!  Two bites into the berries, she realizes maybe he wants a spoon instead of a fork. Back to the kitchen she marches! "Hold on, buddy, hold on."  As she passes me, she shows me "I got him a baby spoon so he doesn't spill.  It's blue!  Bryson, here buddy. Here's a spoon for you, buddy." 

A few bites and several trips back to exchange the silverware, I see she's doing the potty dance. "Need to go potty, Brooklyn?"  I can just see it in her eyes...the answer is yes, but she doesn't want to leave this perfect little meal she's prepared. Nature wins.  "Hold on, buddy - I'll be right back."  She runs down the hall, and 30 seconds later, I hear her holler from the bathroom "I'm comin, Bryson - be right there!"  She returns. Snack continues. He gets up. She chases after. Returns him to the chair - "sit back down, right here, Bryson." It ain't over til she's says it's over...don'tcha know that already, 'buddy'? 

These are the best moments of motherhood for me!  Please remind me of this story when I'm drenched in sweat with 55 lbs of kids in my arms and a supermarket full of judgemental stares as I bribe them with candy to walk on their own feet.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Snug as a bug in a rug...with 4 blankets & 4 paci's

We just tucked the babies into bed...the first 'school night' in 11 nights. School was closed last week, so we hit the road for a lil vaca in the Lone Star state.

We had a great time with the Rittenoure's on the lake, where both kids tubed with daddy (as I nervously supervised),

and Booklyn got to ride on the SeaDoo with daddy (again, with me nervously watching from afar). Even if she had fallen off, something tells me that I would never know...but fun was had by all! So much so, that the lil man took a snooze in the tube on the way back to the boat house.

Sunday we headed to Cowtown in Ft Worth.

We stayed on the strip to get a front row seat to the cattle drive,
pony rides,

sno cones,

and walking distance to numerous shops, much to my liking.  One day, Bryson and I went on a shopping excursion, where he found 3 little stairs in a store.  He would walk down the stairs, clap his hands exuberantly, walk back up the stairs, clap again...and on and on and on. Such a big boy, trying to maintain his figure!

Monday was spent at the Ft Worth Zoo, where I would recommend any family with little ones attend - even in 105 degree weather, we found shade and more animals than I could count.

But of them all, the elephants remain the favorite for our tikes.

Tuesday was the venture to the NRH20 water park, which was clearly designed with kids of all ages in mind.  Numerous splash pad areas with slides that even Bryson could manage on his own. And slides thatmy girl flew down on with her daddy (once again, with me nervously watching from afar!).  Five hours later and we were toast in more ways than one.

We ended the trip to a visit to my favorite honky tonk, Billy Bob's, where my girl got all suited up, climbed atop a bull and whispered excitedly "yee haw".  Bryson wanted nothing to do with sitting on the bull, but petting his nose and watching his silly sister was fun enough.

On our way home, we dropped in for a short, well overdue visit with Great Grandma & Papa, where  the kids played and read stories before loading up for the last leg of the drive home.

Pulling into the familiar driveway after 7 nights away, we were so happy to be home!  Our bodies were tired after a lot of this
and this

Unfortunately, the house had other plans for this wiped out fam of four: the need for a new AC unit was in store.  So we turned the fans on high and positioned as best we could for a sleepless night on the living room floor.  Thursday marked four years since our beautiful wedding on the beach

My, how our lives have changed!  Much more work, but the love and the reward we have today are tenfold. 

After story time tonight, and a pep talk for school tomorrow, Bryson was tucked in by daddy. He waved bye-bye to Brooklyn and I on his way to dive into bed, with the company of four paci's by his side.  He is a man that likes options!  Take one out; put a new one in.  Lose it in his sleep, and quickly find a replacement!  Meanwhile, I tucked Brooklyn in, with four blankets atop her little growing body. Just the way she likes it, since saying goodbye to the blankie 5 weeks ago today. She is now covered up in this order: the zebra blanket, followed by the throw, then the pink silky, and lastly, Mimi's quilt wrapped all around the edges of her bed.  As I was walking out, I wished her 'night-night' and she whispered "Will you pick me up from school tomorrow?"  "Of course, my girl." "You have to work?", she asks. "Yes, I have to work." "Who are you going to see tomorrow?" I explained that I have co-workers, just like she has classmates, like Lilly and Madeline and Ava.  "What are their names, mommy?", she asked.  So I went on to tell her the names of some co-workers. "Oh. Have a good day, Mommy."  "Night night, Brooklyn. Sweet dreams." "Thank you, Mommy."

My eyes welled up with tears as I closed her door tonight. I'm so proud of my children and look forward to the future with them.  So smart, inquisitive, and kind.  I can't imagine the fun times in store as we continue to watch them grow.