Us Now

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

C'mon, buddy

Bryson crashed in the car after a fun day in the sun with Grammy. As he snoozes, we go get Brooklyn from school. I ask her to be quiet for the ride home, knowing that he's overdue for some zzz's. So she doesn't say a word the.whole.way.home!  I was shocked!  20 mins of silence for a 2 year old.  Wow! 

We get home, unload, and hit the fridge for snacktime. She requests cheese and I'm cutting it, I look over and see that she's leading Bryson by the hand to her little table. "C'mon, buddy, c'mon" she says in her calm, motherly voice. She pulls out his chair, he sits down, and snacktime is on

Oh, wait - she realizes he needs silverware. "Hold on, buddy. Let me get you a fork." Upon delivery, the kiwi is gone.  "Berries comin' up!" I proclaim.  Anything to keep this show going!  Two bites into the berries, she realizes maybe he wants a spoon instead of a fork. Back to the kitchen she marches! "Hold on, buddy, hold on."  As she passes me, she shows me "I got him a baby spoon so he doesn't spill.  It's blue!  Bryson, here buddy. Here's a spoon for you, buddy." 

A few bites and several trips back to exchange the silverware, I see she's doing the potty dance. "Need to go potty, Brooklyn?"  I can just see it in her eyes...the answer is yes, but she doesn't want to leave this perfect little meal she's prepared. Nature wins.  "Hold on, buddy - I'll be right back."  She runs down the hall, and 30 seconds later, I hear her holler from the bathroom "I'm comin, Bryson - be right there!"  She returns. Snack continues. He gets up. She chases after. Returns him to the chair - "sit back down, right here, Bryson." It ain't over til she's says it's over...don'tcha know that already, 'buddy'? 

These are the best moments of motherhood for me!  Please remind me of this story when I'm drenched in sweat with 55 lbs of kids in my arms and a supermarket full of judgemental stares as I bribe them with candy to walk on their own feet.

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