Us Now

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bees in Brooklyn's room

Several months ago, Brooklyn started making midnight visits to our room. Multiple visits. Sometimes to potty, sometimes just to climb in with us. Let me tell's.exhausting. Sometimes I can take her to the bathroom and return her to bed without a fuss. But other times it's a fuss and I'm not up for all that mess. Especially when it's 30 mins before my morning alarm goes off.  So nine times out of ten, she would win and we'd end up with a perpendicular being in between us.  Sometimes she'll come offering excuses. She's thirsty. Can't find one of her sleeping buddies. A common one has been that she has bees in her room.  When I hear that one, I go in to inspect the room, and assure her that there aren't any bees.  Finally the peices of the puzzle came together yesterday!  She said ,"It was that bee up there, Mommy!" I followed her pointed finger...and was led to the big polka dot 'B' above her window.  She's been talking about the letters 'B' in her room - not bumble bees! Upon hearing this, I cuddled up next to her and we went through the objects in her room: the polka dot B - Aunt Jan made for her. The wooden letter B - Aunt Kathy gave her that one. The bunny on her shelf - from Nona. The stripes on the wall - mommy and daddy painted those for her. The quilt she sleeps with - Mimi made for her. The doll in the polka dot dress - passed down to her from Nana.  The groupings of picture frames - Aunt Nessa crafted. The list goes on and on. By the end of our of our conversation, we came to the realization that her room is filled with love. Love from so many people that we're blessed to have in our lives. 

That night I tucked in a happy little girl.  As I was walking out of the room, she said excitedly, 'Mommy, I have a secret to tell you!'  I leaned over and she embraced my face as she whispered 'I love you so much, Mommy.'  All of my stressors from the day diminished and my heart melted.  And I climbed into bed with my little angel.  That's not breaking the rules, right?  The rule is that she sleeps in her bed. There's not a rule saying that mommy can't accompany her...

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