Us Now

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Brooklyn got a new swing for the back patio from her Mimi. The wind takes her breath away, but it puts the biggest smile on her face! So, anytime she gets bored indoors, we now have the perfect cure!! She doesn't even have to be swinging because there's just SO much to look at and absorb!

Something tells me this will get a LOT of use!

And...she scored a walker/scooter toy from Grammy! She's super excited to be able to use this toy! Here are some practice shots...

Thank you, Grammy & Mimi!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Family visits

Grandma, Grandpa & Aunt Anna came over for a visit...and they came bearing food, so we let them in!! :)

Aunt Anna gave me a night off from Mommy Duty! She gave Miss Brooklyn her bath and cereal dinner. It was so wonderful; come back anytime! :)

Flower power!

We picnicked at Woodward with Grammy, Auntie Annettie and Bob today...Happy Birthday, Grammy!!

Here she is with Auntie Annettie...

We stuck around and enjoyed the flowers after lunch.

She's in full-time discovery mode, it seems...she really wants to put it all in her mouth, but touching will have to suffice for now!

...and I saved the best for last:

She puts the pretty flowers to shame, don't ya think?!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dinner time!

It's tough to tell whether we're feeding Brooklyn or her bib...let me explain through some photos:

Open Sesame!! (if only the spoon could be reversed, my mouth is always wide open at this point, too!)

Chomp, slurp, chomp, splatter (she tries to drink the spoon as if it were the bottle)

Ta Da! And we're done...with a puddle of goodness just below her third chin!
It's almost a look of disappointment, wouldn't you say? But it's understandable if you consider all the work she just went through for that bland dinner...Y-uck!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She sported her shades and broke out the sunscreen to watch daddy coach his crazy 9 year old baseball team this weekend.

...and they rocked out there! Go Tide!!!!

If you already thought she looked like Jackson, you may not be able to distinguish the two after seeing this picture...

Just chillin in his chair. Probably even watching ESPN.

Swimsuit season is haunting me, and I'm still trying to lose that sticky baby flab! It makes it a little easier to push this around on the jogging trail...

And if we're on the opposite side of the neighborhood when she's ready to call it quits, she practices her big wails to get me moving even faster!

New discoveries...

Since her first day home, Brooklyn has napped in her swing. Every day. Multiple times a day, at that. So when she all of a sudden awoke to notice the mobile over her head, I had to capture the moment! It was like she was saying "Whoa! Where'd these guys come from?! Hello...can I put you in my mouth?"

Something else new? You put her on her tummy to practice Tummy Time, and she flips over in .2 seconds!! Seriously! How is this girl ever going to learn to crawl? She's so proud of herself for rolling over that she doesn't remain on her tummy but for a split second!!

She rolls over and flashes the biggest smile every time, as if to say "Where's the applause, Mom? C'mon, let's hear it!"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sun hats!

Her first sun hat! :)

Finished lots of house chores yesterday, but somehow managed to postpone most of the homework...procrastination comes so easy to me! Grammy was on cloud nine when she brought Brooklyn home! She just can't get enough of her! And while it was nice to have a day without interruption, it's crazy how much I miss her after being away for just 8 hours. I was ready to play, but she was ready to sleep after a walk with Mimi. She passed out for the night an hour & a half early!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A day off for a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM)

Brooklyn is playing with Grammy today, which leaves me at home alone! One may ask, 'what does a SAHM do with a day all to herself?!' Hmm...
  1. 6 homework assignments
  2. 1 online test to complete
  3. 1 test to study for
  4. Pull weeds from the flower bed
  5. Oh, and let's not forget laundry! In fact, I swapped my & Jax's closets last week from winter to spring/summer. Today I'll tackle Brooklyn's closet. Sounds simple enough, right? Let's peek into her closet at her new summer clothes...

(I might add that this is all from Grammy!)

...tags pulled and ready for washing!

But we're not done yet...

I better not find her throwing tantrums about not having any clothes this summer! :)

Well, I better get to work! This should be my most productive day of the week. And I'm certain it'll be a day full of fun for Grammy & Brooklyn!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Easter

We had a busy weekend! Took a trip to McAlester on Good Friday to visit Great Grandma & Great Grandpa...

...spent Saturday running around Tulsa and checked out the new ONEOK field (IMPRESSIVE!) and then got all dressed up for Easter...

Visited Grammy in the morning, and spent the afternoon at Nona's...

But don't let us fool wasn't all smiles and giggles! Brooklyn has not one, but TWO teeth coming in, so it wasn't a weekend without some fussiness...

We're not complaining; just keeping it real! But no matter how fussy she may be at times, she's our favorite little person in the world and I think we'll keep her around!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What a fun week!

Not much time to write, but had to get these pics out for all to see...Brooklyn got all dressed up for lunch today with her Grammy, Auntie Annettie, Aunt Diana, and Great Grandma Helen. Although some tears were shed at the lunch table, she was crying in style!

And...she rolled over on her own this morning! :)

Off to McAlester tomorrow to see her other Great Grandma...and Great Grandpa, too! Should be a day filled with fun & smiles...will post pics when we return! Oh, and Easter Sunday is this weekend...another dress-up opportunity, oh boy!!