Us Now

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New discoveries...

Since her first day home, Brooklyn has napped in her swing. Every day. Multiple times a day, at that. So when she all of a sudden awoke to notice the mobile over her head, I had to capture the moment! It was like she was saying "Whoa! Where'd these guys come from?! Hello...can I put you in my mouth?"

Something else new? You put her on her tummy to practice Tummy Time, and she flips over in .2 seconds!! Seriously! How is this girl ever going to learn to crawl? She's so proud of herself for rolling over that she doesn't remain on her tummy but for a split second!!

She rolls over and flashes the biggest smile every time, as if to say "Where's the applause, Mom? C'mon, let's hear it!"

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