Us Now

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Highlights

I know I'm late, but better late than never! Here are some highlights from Brooklyn's second Christmas.

We did our little family exchange on Christmas Eve, when she got her first big girl chair:

She climbed right in:

but couldn't decide the best vantage point.  'Shall I stand like this?':

'Sit nicely like Mommy sits in her chair?':

'Or chill like Daddy in his chair?':

Still undecided after numerous poses, we moved on to the other gifts:

'Shoes? Really, Mom? How boring!': 

A bow on my head is more exciting than those shoes are!' 

'C'mon,'re too slow and it's past my bedtime!' Yawn... 

Jackson's wrapping skills...this is the front, can't you tell? Beautiful, babe! :) 

Christmas Morning
Brooklyn got a pep in her step when entering the living room to find her new Princess Cozy Coupe car on Christmas morning!  Finally, her dreams had come true: she was a free woman with wheels! 

The interactive basketball goal paled in comparison to her new ride. But she did humor her mom and shoot a few baskets...from inside the car, of course!

I began to worry that she was going to have to relearn life! She refused to exit the vehicle! After shooting hoops, posing for pics, and loading her babies up for rides, she even ate breakfast in the car:

The exit wasn't a pretty sight, but it had to happen so that we could make it to Aunt Nessa's house for Christmas breakfast & gift exchange.

The mentality that she was the best gift of the season continued as she climbed into gift boxes.

But she did play her part as Santa's helper, too, delivering a gift to her Great Grandma: 

After breakfast, we headed home, changed clothes & hit the road again to get to her other Great Grandma's house for more food & gifts. I failed to capture memories there :(, but did get this one on the way home: 
The day full of family, food & presents that started at 6 a.m., ended abruptly as she was placed in her carseat. She was out for the count! Which was a good thing, considering we still had a full day ahead of us the next day.

Christmas Day #2
We headed to McAlester to see her other Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and more for lunch the next day. After lunch, she showed off her rockin skills on her doggy... 

read some stories with her Great Aunt Jan: 

sang songs (or rather, watched inquisitively as Great Aunt Jan sang silly songs!): 
...and again, crashed on the way home after another long, fun-filled day with family!

I'd say Santa was good to Brooklyn this year. Out with the old and in with the new!  All the new toys took over, forcing me to pack up old toys and move them to the attic.  As we arranged boxes in the attic, it became very real to me that we'll be pulling some of her stuff out in just a couple months for the new baby. This was the last Christmas for the Markert Trio!

She's getting lots of practice being a big sister, though. She has babies all over the house. Here she is taking them on a ride:
(I believe there are 3 in there with under her feet, while the other two are partially under her bum!)

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