Us Now

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dropped like flies

One by one we dropped like flies to the stomach bug that Bryson so kindly brought home from school to share with us. I greeted him Wednesday morning as usual, but found that he'd gotten sick in his sleep Tuesday night. Poor guy. He needed a bath ASAP. After staying home with him all day, I resumed work Thursday while Jackson played Dr. Dad. He seemed to be fully recovered that evening so I went to bed relieved...only to wake up sick to my stomach at 4 a.m. At least it was my scheduled day off! So off to school Jackson took the kiddos, while Mommy moaned and groaned in bed all day and into the evening...when it overtook Jackson! Three down, one to go. And of course, it had to hit Brooklyn during an overnight stay at Grammy's house. :( Grammy was up all night doctoring Brooklyn until we got to her after a short hibernation period that took us through mid-day Saturday. And once we were all in the house Saturday, we were in lockdown mode. And I entered sanitize mode! Wouldn't you know, this had to happen on a plan-filled weekend. We missed the Gender Reveal party of some friends expecting twins. (They're having one of each & we couldn't be happier for them!) We had to cancel Granddaddy's birthday party Saturday. Missed a house-warming party for another couple Saturday night. And we barely made it to my cousin's baby's baptism Sunday afternoon. I've already had a talk with Mr. Bryson to please plan ahead with these nasty bugs, as to not interrupt important functions in the future! We'll see if he took heed to my warnings...oh, the joys of parenthood!  It's like Big Brother: Always expect the unexpected. 

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