Us Now

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cousins Retreat!

Jackson's cousin, and my lifelong bestie invited us down to their house for our 1st annual cousin's retreat!  So I loaded up the house into the car Thursday night and we headed for the lonestar state after closing shop at the cube farm Friday evening. It was half past midnight before we entered their house with a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed little girl in tow. After endless efforts to shush her to sleep, my eyes were closing involuntarily and the last thing I remember was a head butt. Or maybe a kick to the back. Either way, we awoke Saturday morning in the same bed that the 3 of us fell asleep in.  (Bryson, of course, slept like a prince in his pack-n-play.)
Weekend festivities included some Bumbo time for the baby cousins:

Dancing time for my girl:

Loungin time for the big boys:

Shoppin time for the girls (pictures of this event may be incriminating and therefore won't be posted), and of course some poses in our special t-shirts (thank you, Katy!!):

And Bryson realized that there's another love in his life...Bethany!!

After the kiddos were tucked in each night, the girls schooled the boys in a few games of Taboo.  After a weekend filled with fun, family and friends, we headed home Monday morning, turned on a DVD for Brooklyn's viewing pleasure:
Six hours, 3 stops and several diaper changes later, we were home again, home again, jiggity jig! We unpacked the house, did bathtime, bedtime stories, and enjoyed some shut eye without the busy body in between us. Thank you, Katy & Ross for organizing such a great weekend!

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