Us Now

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Big girl bed

It took six months, but now we go to sleep knowing that both kids will sleep all night long...and wake up happy. Icing on the cake!  Neither are quick risers.  They wake up quietly and enjoy a little time to themselves before being picked up. 

This is probably because they transform into ping pong balls during their hours of slumber, bouncing from side to side of their cribs. They sleep so similarly: tummy down; head at the top of the mattress. But by morning, they've pinged off each wall time and time again.  They start the day tummy up, with their heads where thier toes began. 

With that in mind, maybe you'll understand now why my eyes were glued to her monitor tonight.  You see, I tucked my little girl into a big girl bed tonight.  Boy was she excited!  And me? A paranoid mess. What if she falls out? I have pillows lined up in front. What if she gets out in the morning, playing so quietly that we don't hear her? This fear forced a final run through to ensure that nothing of danger resides within her four walls. Scissors removed. Check. Outlets plugged. Check. Cords secured. Check. Crayons gone. Check.

I'll sleep like a baby tonight. Tossing and turning and glimpsing at the monitor til the nagging buzz of my alarm at 6:30. I want my eyes to be the first to open tomorrow...who knows what'll happen if she beats me!  I must log off now...just realized the race I've entered...lay still, my girl.  Lay very, very still...

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