Us Now

Friday, November 4, 2011

730 days ago

Brooklyn was due to be born on November 1, 2009. When that Sunday came and went, my blissful pregnant memories had ended. (Well, maybe they ended before that. Like months before that. But I digress.) Point is, I was an impatient mother-to-be that Monday morning when getting my disproportionate body ready for work, only to arrive and be asked thirteen more times that day "wow, when are you due? Know what you're having?" I worked Monday and Tuesday, went to the doctor and begged for induction. After all, my original due date was Oct 27th and let's be honest. Patience has never been a strong point of mine, so having the date pushed back...and then missing my new due date? I was fit to be tied and ready to meet this stubborn child of mine, who was showing no signs of coming on her own. 

We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 p.m. 730 days ago today...

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