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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy birthday, my boy!

The moments leading up to the birth of Bryson will always be vivid memories for both Jackson and I. A sleepless night that put an end to the nine months leading up to the announcement we would hear at 8 a.m. that Tuesday morning. "IT'S A BOY!!" Wow. 

Although they're not as consistently documented as Brooklyn's, Bryson has surpassed numerous milestones in his 12 months of existence. By 4 months, he had his first tooth. By 8 months, he had 8. He was also crawling by then. He's been laughing and smiling since he entered our lives...and intensely watching his sister's every move along the way. He loves his bottles. And although he continues to tip the scale more than the majority of kids his age, he doesn't care much for baby food. Finger foods are fun for him...rather messy for us. He usually puts it in and spits it right back out before deciding whether or not he likes it. Must be a texture thing. Gross, nonetheless. When you lift him up from the highchair, you'll also lift up chunks of half-eaten or soggy food stuck all over his little body. He hates medicine, but in an attempt to be like his sister, sometimes he'll open wide. And then realize again how much he hates it! His favorite time of the day is bath time. This child dunks his own head under the running water, and splashes with such might that I get wet when I'm standing several feet away from the tub. It actually scared Brooklyn for a short period of time. She would tell me that she didn't want to bathe with him! Needless to say, he loves his sand and water table:


And what a time he had at his birthday party!  Initially appearing shy as the crowd sang Happy Birthday, he soon realized all eyes were on him & he clapped along! 

He may not like food much, but cake?  That's another story!  He devoured his cake!!

 The sugar high was wearing off toward the end:

Happy happy birthday, my boy!  You are such a happy spirit and the reason for such joy in our hearts and lives!  Mommy loves you, Bryson.

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