Us Now

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big kid memory

Both kids are now in big kid beds. I remember transitioning Brooklyn's bed on her 2nd birthday.  The same weekend that she learned how to open doors!  But she wasn't a wanderer, so we never had to worry. She would lie in bed and chew on that blanky until we opened the door to start the day. 

Like everything else, things are different with number two!  Bryson's ready to do everything earlier than Brooklyn (except talk!)  His bed was transitioned to a big kid bed at 18 months.  And the following week, he too, learned how to open doors!  But, like his sister, he's not much of a wanderer...he'll get out of bed, sure.  But he'll play quietly in his room with toys (albeit baby dolls, sometimes) until we greet him with an open door...until this morning.  While getting ready for work, I was startled to find my little man with a big smile hiding behind that paci: the key to his heart.  Not five minutes later, I'm greeted by my girl with an arm full of babies and stuffed animals (the hallway is much too scary without friends).

After convincing Jackson that the day had officially started, I turned on some toons and heard giggles and memories in the making as I finished getting ready for work.  Great start to the day!

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