Us Now

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Life is made up of lessons...

Lesson: Be a good friend.

Brooklyn's learned what it feels like to have a best friend! This means that she's also learned what jealousy feels like when her friends have other friends and don't want to devote all of their attention to her.
(This is heart-breaking, and I just imagine what's to come as she grows up!) This lesson of friendship leads to the next lesson: kindness and acceptance of others...
Lesson: JUMP
Thanks for this lesson, big sister!

 Lesson: Take a break to enjoy the giggles.
This is just a random one I chose to share. It's an example of the lengths that kids go to in order to generate laughter from friends and siblings!  It also displays the lengths that parents go to in order to pacify their kids on errand day...

Lesson: Be considerate.
Bryson has loved babies for a while already. He covers them up with blankets, pushes them in buggies, pats their backs, and now...he's learned how to shush a room!  He came across Brooklyn quietly rocking a baby in a chair.  He ran into the living room, snagged up a blanket and a doll of some sort, drug a chair next to hers, and the "shhhhhh"-ing began! 

Lesson: Be a helper and a leader.
Cousins. Such special relationships. My childhood is filled with memories spent with my cousins, and I hope my kids are able to say the same. The fact that their cousins are exemplary children makes the relationship even more rewarding for this mom!  After watching his cousin be the helper, Bryson decided to take a stab at it himself, and haul the girls home.

Lesson: Take turns and play nice. 
Brooklyn & Canon jumping on the trampoline at Mimi & Grandpa's.  I walk out to holler 'five more minutes' and I hear her directing him to "sit down. Sit still. I'll bounce you."  We're still working on this, but her cousins are always setting the example to take turns, even when they don't want to!

A Cousin Coloring Frenzy
Enough with the lessons. Here are some smile-provoking pics of my liking.

This is just one of many examples I could share of the picture texts I receive from the hubbs. Two kids in a laundry hamper. Comfy? Not so much. Sure looks like fun, though!

This is what happens when the vacuum comes out of the closet. Kids scream and run around like chickens, scrambling to grab stuffed friends and scurry to higher ground for safety.  "Hurry, Bryson, hurry! C'mon!!"

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