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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Winter break

The kids' school closes for two weeks over the holidays. TWO weeks!  It's the best time to completely check out from reality and zone into holiday activities.  So what did we do?  More like what didn't we do...

Rhema Lights
I think they read the sign:

And it made them:
touch every single light! 

We visited the most insane Griswold house in town, if not the state...this was the most bizarre exprience of the break. Located downtown (and hated by their neighbors, I'm sure) this homeowner opened up their decorated yard to the public for free tours. I'm not sure if it left me with a warm, fuzzy feeling, or a sense of fear. It was definitely a memory, nonetheless:

 We had a few play dates


Bouncy Barn

Played with cousins

We visited Chik-Fil-A too, where Bryson wouldn't stop waving at Santa Cow, but the second he came near, Bryson clung to me like white on rice. His sister, on the other hand, surprised the heck out of me as she climbed into his lap without hesitation!

And we had our first mommy-n-me movie date with my girl! Can't wait until Bryson can join us!

And this one just makes me smile.

She loves her daddy!

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