Us Now

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I think the definition of Oktoberfest is something along the lines of a debauchery of beer drinking, brat-eating, carnival riding, chicken dancing fools!  It's a different kind of experience when you're sharing your body with a little resident that prevents a lot of these activities. But we still headed out there with some friends for a bit yesterday. And Brooklyn seemed to enjoy the singing crowds!

She's leading Daddy to the announcer to teach him how to do the Chicken Dance.

 She clapped to the songs...

And even met this guy, greeting him with a big huge smile!

Her curiosity of him drew a crowd. We were all a little surprised that she was interested, and not scared! 'You silly chicken', she seemed to be saying! It was pretty cute!

And she even got to ride the merry-go-round with Daddy!
 At the end of all the festivities, she was wiped out and succumbed to the tent of chicken dancers!

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