Us Now

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In a state of shock!

Our newest addition remained a surprise until the end. We went back & forth guessing which it would be: a boy or a girl? But being parents to a girl is all either of us know, so to be the parents of a boy seemed impossible, and thus caused us both to believe I was carrying another princess around for the last 9 months. When the words "It's a boy" rang out in the delivery room this morning, we just looked at each other in complete disbelief! 'Really?! Are you sure?!'  I have never been so surprised in my life! We were both completely speechless and just squeezed hands in silent shock and excited disbelief.

8 lbs, 11 oz and 20 inches long, Bryson William Markert entered this world at 8:00 sharp today, March 29, 2011.  A healthy and beautiful baby boy lay in my lap as I type.

He's already been greeted by his (busy) big sister, who wasn't completely aware of his existence, but did pause a moment to kiss him on the cheek.

No longer the Markert Trio, but a complete family of four...thank you to everyone for the thoughts & prayers and well wishes. Today was a good day!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Belly Reflections

I've learned that people are really funny about pregnant women. It seems to bring out a different side of most people. More smiles. Fascination. Endless curiosity. I must say that I've been most surprised by the men. I was raised around men that avoid feminine discussions at all cost, so I didn't expect many questions from men about my protruding stomach, but I was surprised to learn that they share the same fascination as many women...

One encounter I don't think I could ever forget: I'm standing in the middle of a mall in San Antonio. I was about 8 months pregnant. Out of nowhere, I felt a tap...on my butt! I quickly spun and came face to face with a smiling stranger. A man. "May I touch your belly?," he politely asked. "WHAT?!" You tapped my butt to ask if you can touch my belly? Really?!  Did you ever think that maybe you should start with my shoulder?!  Does it get any more inappropriate?!  Obviously the answer was N-O!  Sorry, Charlie. Or whoever you are.

Second pregnancy. 9 months pregnant. Waiting to talk to the teacher at Brooklyn's school, a dad explains to his 3-year-old son that I have a baby in my belly. "WOW! There's a baby in there?" he asks, peering directly at my eye-level bellly button. "Yep!" I respond.  "How'd it get in there? What's it doing? How is it going to get out?" His mouth can't get the inquisitive words out fast enough! And I'm speechless...and blushing...I am NOT about to have this birds & bees discussion with someone else's I?!  I defer to his dad, who seems to just instigate more questions..."You were in there, too, son." he proudly states. "In her belly?!" the child asks with understandable fear in his eyes. I must remedy this - and quickly - before his dad lets it continue! "No, not my belly, sweetie. But you were in your mommy's belly, and I'm sure your dad can explain how you got in there...and got out." Suddenly I realized that I didn't need to talk to the teacher so badly. And down the hall I waddled.  Phew!

Another memory is watching my niece's excitement when I was pregnant with Brooklyn. "Baby Brooklyn" was all that seemed to exist in her mind for the months leading up to her arrival. Ella scribbled picture after picture and filled envelopes with goodies for Baby Brooklyn. I'd have to count to be sure, but if I remember correctly, there were over 70 pictures altogether.  That's a LOT for a 4-year old!!  Every last one of them is safe in a scrapbook for reflections when they grow up. 

My favorite pregnant memory will be of Brooklyn playing peek-a-boo with my belly. And waving to the baby inside. Pretty darn cute, if you ask me. But not cute enough to make me want to do it again! This is it for us. I have a feeling we'll be plenty busy with two.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Busy busy Brooklyn

Spring is in the air!!  With a high of 74 in the forecast, Brooklyn & I planned a full day of errands and playing at the park.

On a mission!

Swingin time!

She is so, so busy. Just reflecting on these pictures exhausts me all over again! Keeping up with her today was just not in the cards for me. So I stopped trying and started snappin photos instead!

I think the longest amount of time on one thing was 57.2 seconds.

But don't worry, she took great precaution during her transitions...

And my favorite:  she squatted on her knees, turned around and backed off of the 1/2 inch tall concrete ledge!  HI-larious! :)

Her smile says it all - she had a pretty happy day today...
...and wore her mommy out in the process!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


With 24 days until our threesome becomes a foursome, we've been preparing more and more.  The guest room underwent a makeover, becoming a fully assembled nursery...

The car grew to accommodate the additional car seat and double stroller that it'll eventually transport...

And Brooklyn's been learning how to help around the house. From laundry to cleaning up messes on the floor, she's been mimicking my every action!

She's really growing up, learning how to get around on her own, instead of being carried everywhere. And her babies? Oh, they're her top priority, let me tell ya! She takes them on car rides and gives them kisses every day. The preparations of becoming a big sister!

If you ask me, I'll tell you I'm more than ready!  But I'd be lying if I said there aren't days that I feel not so ready.  Days that I take a little detour from our usual schedule to stop and enjoy some solo time with my baby Brooklyn.  We've had special trips in her wagon, extended swinging time at the park. We even took a detour to the McDonald's playplace with cousin Ella one day.

And we're trying to enjoy more special time as a family...

Pizza night!

Balls, balls, balls!

These are my last days of being all hers.  She doesn't have to share or wait her turn for our love and attention. So she's been getting lots of extra hugs and kisses lately.  And as much story time as her heart desires, my little bookworm...

Oh, how I cherish my baby Brooklyn. She's brought so much joy to my life. I never knew I was capable of this much love. And it's about to double, because I know that somehow my love for our new baby will be just as amazing!  It makes me does God handle such love? We are all His children, and His love for us is never ending and unconditional. I can't imagine the joys and heartbreak He experiences as He watches us from above...