Us Now

Friday, March 25, 2011

Belly Reflections

I've learned that people are really funny about pregnant women. It seems to bring out a different side of most people. More smiles. Fascination. Endless curiosity. I must say that I've been most surprised by the men. I was raised around men that avoid feminine discussions at all cost, so I didn't expect many questions from men about my protruding stomach, but I was surprised to learn that they share the same fascination as many women...

One encounter I don't think I could ever forget: I'm standing in the middle of a mall in San Antonio. I was about 8 months pregnant. Out of nowhere, I felt a tap...on my butt! I quickly spun and came face to face with a smiling stranger. A man. "May I touch your belly?," he politely asked. "WHAT?!" You tapped my butt to ask if you can touch my belly? Really?!  Did you ever think that maybe you should start with my shoulder?!  Does it get any more inappropriate?!  Obviously the answer was N-O!  Sorry, Charlie. Or whoever you are.

Second pregnancy. 9 months pregnant. Waiting to talk to the teacher at Brooklyn's school, a dad explains to his 3-year-old son that I have a baby in my belly. "WOW! There's a baby in there?" he asks, peering directly at my eye-level bellly button. "Yep!" I respond.  "How'd it get in there? What's it doing? How is it going to get out?" His mouth can't get the inquisitive words out fast enough! And I'm speechless...and blushing...I am NOT about to have this birds & bees discussion with someone else's I?!  I defer to his dad, who seems to just instigate more questions..."You were in there, too, son." he proudly states. "In her belly?!" the child asks with understandable fear in his eyes. I must remedy this - and quickly - before his dad lets it continue! "No, not my belly, sweetie. But you were in your mommy's belly, and I'm sure your dad can explain how you got in there...and got out." Suddenly I realized that I didn't need to talk to the teacher so badly. And down the hall I waddled.  Phew!

Another memory is watching my niece's excitement when I was pregnant with Brooklyn. "Baby Brooklyn" was all that seemed to exist in her mind for the months leading up to her arrival. Ella scribbled picture after picture and filled envelopes with goodies for Baby Brooklyn. I'd have to count to be sure, but if I remember correctly, there were over 70 pictures altogether.  That's a LOT for a 4-year old!!  Every last one of them is safe in a scrapbook for reflections when they grow up. 

My favorite pregnant memory will be of Brooklyn playing peek-a-boo with my belly. And waving to the baby inside. Pretty darn cute, if you ask me. But not cute enough to make me want to do it again! This is it for us. I have a feeling we'll be plenty busy with two.

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