Us Now

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A recipe for high blood pressure!

Being a parent means planning ahead. For anything. And everything. You almost have to have an imagination to be a parent, because you have to imagine what could possibly happen.

So before leaving the house to pick Brooklyn up for school today, I changed Bryson's diaper and made sure he was fed, because we had errands to run and I wanted to make absolutely sure that he'd be a happy little guy for a couple hours. Off we went. To the bank: check! Gas station: check! To pick up Brooklyn: check! Both kids in tow, we unload at Babies R Us for a quick return. Mission complete! With only one more place to go, I hear Bryson stirring in the back seat. Hmm...what's a mom to do? We're coming up on Nona's exit, so I call. Yes, we can stop by for a quick diaper change & bottle feeding. Load back up (after a bottle & several kisses from Missy!), and we're off for our last errand: Wal-mart. Just a few things on the list. Should be in and out.

Five minutes in, Brooklyn's hungry (only because we're in the snack aisle & she sees potential!). Out comes the blankie. Uh-oh. Now Bryson's crying. Out comes the paci. Okay, we're good! For another aisle. Then serious wails come from the carseat. And the empathetic tears from big sister. Scramble like a mad woman to grab the miscellaneous groceries a mother and wife need to maintain her family, and we're off to the check-out line! But the wails grow in intensity. Before I realize it, I'm sweating as I unload the groceries onto the black belt. SMASH! Crackers and candy bars fly across the floor and Brooklyn flashes her innocent smile in my direction. Cashier asks "How are you, ma'am?" 'Can't you see?!', I say in my mind as I kindly reply "Good, and you?" Wailing continues. Paci is recovered and replaced. Unload a few more things. Paci comes out. Paci goes in. And comes out again. We pay just in time for more wailing. From both children. And we're done!  Phew!  It's then, as I close the driver's side door, that I realize that all the chaos made me forget how bad I had to pee before we even entered the store.

That was an hour of a day of this mom with two in diapers. Mothers of multiples: how, oh how do you do it?!  With my admiration, that's for sure!

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