Us Now

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shooting Stars

I witnessed two shooting stars tonight! These always cause me to pause and make a "wish". But tonight, as I paused, I didn't know what to wish for. A wonderful husband? God already gave me that. A healthy baby? I have two.  Happiness? A house in the suburbs?  Prosperity?  What could I possibly wish for?  God has given me everything I could ever ask for.  And I'm not bragging.  But that's truly how I feel.  My family is happy and healthy and truly, truly blessed. Not lucky, because I don't believe that luck has anything to do with it. Not deserving because I know that I don't deserve any of it.  But blessed. Truly just blessed by God.  I am an undeserving soul that has been blessed with so much in life.  So tonight I "wish", or rather pray for another woman to feel as blessed as I feel right here, right now.

Like most, my dad often asks me how I'm doing. Sometimes when I respond 'good' or 'fine' or some other stereotypical response, he'll pin me down and ask: "Honestly, how are you? How would you rate your life today?" Of course some days are 10's and others are 6's, but overall I can't complain.  I love this impromptu question because it really causes me to evaluate my life. What matters most?  It causes me to put things in perspective. Was my 'laborious' day really that bad? What validity is there behind my complaints? After a quick prioritizion, if my 'life rating' is ever below what's acceptable to me, then I try to see what I can do to make it better. Shift my priorities? Count the blessings I have rather than focusing on what I don't or can't have? Whether through prayer, motivation, or some form of action, I believe that we should all seek a resolution because this life is too short to accept a mediocre rating!

Disclaimer: My last name isn't Cleaver & I'm not claiming to have the 'perfect' life! But tonight I'm choosing to count my blessings instead of misfortunes. Trust me, there are days (like yesterday!) that I'll have to refer back to this posting to remind myself that life's not all that bad!  :)

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