Us Now

Monday, October 17, 2011

My girl's perspective...

"Mommy. Daddy. Bubba." I hear Brooklyn repeating these names over and over while playing on the playground this weekend. She didn't know I was following her like white on rice as she carefully maneuvered her way through the play set.  Jackson says she was repeating the names of those she loves in order...Mommy. Daddy. Bubba. But I tell him that can't be true because she stopped there, and there are many, many more names that she'd list if that were the case. But it makes me wonder: what does go through the head of my little princess? There's one story that we read at night that asks her to tell a story about herself at the end. She repeats after me: "My name is Brooklyn. I have a mommy, and a daddy, and a bubba. They love me a lot. And I love them, too. My favorite color is blue. And I'm beautiful."  I can't wait to hear her own story...and I love watching it develop every day.

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