Us Now

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sat down for a breather...

...and a mini Snickers. It is Halloween after all.  It's my first treat...I've had a grocery bag full to the rim since September and it's my first piece.  Jackson, on the other hand. Well, he can't claim the same. Nearly all the skittles fell victim to his lack of self control.  Sorry kiddos. If you're looking for the magical rainbow, don't come a-knockin on our door tonight.

What a morning! The kids' school hosts a Halloween 'parade' for kids of all ages. Sounds sweet, doesn't it? Bring your kids in costume for a parade of trick-or-treating!  I'm still recovering and trying to figure out who in the crowd enjoyed it most? The wailing kids, screaming infants, anxious mothers, or camera-holding dads trying everything in their power to elicit smiles from the terrified children. Here's a before...


...and after...

Get this thing OFF of me!

Looks like fun was had, huh?  NOT.  And poor Bryson. You are so loved, Bubba. But Mommy bought you the worst costume ever. The cutest, but the most unrealistic made. Daddy was right for the first time when he told me your eight fat legs wouldn't fit in the car seat or stroller. But I just couldn't resist.  So I bought it, and you're the most adorable spider ever!  But after 3 hours of lugging you around Boo HaHa this weekend, I couldn't bear the thought of carrying you for this silly parade.  So, no costume for you on this parade day!  Sorry bubba. 

I fell in love with my husband all over again today, as I lived out a morning in his every-day life:
1) Wake up to babbling Bryson.
2) Hop in the shower.
3) Scramble to beat the cries and get ready for work, as if a participant in a timed event. (This is where his hair (or lack of) gives him a competitive advantage!)
4 & 5) Rush to prepare bottle & cereal for Bryson.
6, 7, 8) Dress, feed, and load both kids into car.

And that's just what he does to get out of the house!  We won't even go into the logistics of unloading 2 kids and their backpacks, walking up stairs to the school, and taking them to separate classes.  Jackson does this every single morning. And when he calls me with a morning report, I can tell there's a smile on his face most days. How he can have such a whirlwind of a morning, and still be smiling before finishing his first cup of coffee will forever remain a mystery to this ever-appreciative mother and wife.

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