Us Now

Sunday, June 3, 2012

First musical program!

Brooklyn’s class has been preparing for the spring musical program for months now. She's one singing gal - she LOVES to sing, and she's been coming home with new songs that we don’t recognize.  One in particular, she calls ‘Yes Sir!’ We haven’t been able to figure out the words, and it drives me nuts.  We guess, but she tells us 'No, not that' and then she repeats some nonesense that we can't understand.  I was so glad to finally learn the words during the play:
I may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never fly o'er the enemy
But I'm in the Lord's army!
Yes Sir!

I'm in the Lord's army!
Yes sir!
I'm in the Lord's army!
Yes sir!

Boy, were we proud to watch our little girl march down the church aisle to take stage and sing in front of a crowd of 100 people or more.  I watched in disbelief.  I fully expected her to see us and run off the stage toward our arms. But she proved me wrong. We made eye contact and she kept up the great act, following all the motions & singing all the songs.  I almost didn’t recognize her; she was so brave and really appeared to be a leader among the group. Precious. I couldn't have asked for a better performance! I’m so grateful for the teachers at their school.  What a challenge to take on: teaching two year olds to sing and dance in an orderly fashion…simultaneously. That’s a small miracle in itself! Thank you, Toddler I teachers! This was a great time, and a memory that will never leave us.

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