Us Now

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Recent happenin's

I find it harder and harder to find the time to blog anymore. But I absolutely love to document our happenings to reflect back on, so here are a few recent highlights...

We've already been to the zoo three times this spring/summer. They both love to see the animals!  And every time we leave, Brooklyn likes to climb on the tiger statues.  This time in particular, she was posing for pictures, while Bryson was in my arms watching.

At one point, I had to set him down to help her out, and when I turned around, I saw that he had marched over to the tigers, turned around, and posed for a picture of himself!  As if to say, 'don't forget about me, Mom!'
What a handsome fella!

We spent Mother's Day at Woodward Park, where Brooklyn was determined to pick every.single.wild flower there:

Although she did manage a few minutes to swing with her brother:

It was another great day to be their mother!

We went to Aunt Jan's lake house for Memorial Day weekend. She always tells us to 'make ourselves at home'. Well, Bryson heeded her advice.  Here he is eating a snack at the table:
He  wouldn't eat any other way. Every meal looked like this. It was hilarious! 

And then he spent some free time tryin to pick up a girl:

He's been workin that mo'jo for a year he is playin footsie with Ella last summer:

He was definitely at home that weekend.
We went on a little boat ride with some friends,

watched Brooklyn make friends with Addison

we watched the boys swim in the water (a certain little girl wasn't keen on the thought of lake water)

And partied til their eyes couldn't stay open any longer (Bryson was actually falling asleep...on his feet!)

Our kids aren't very good at hiding their drowsiness...they'll begin looking for places to get some shut eye if we don't catch on.  Many more fun memories were made that weekend - we had a blast! Thanks, Aunt Jan! :)

We went to the circus this weekend. It was a great show! My sister & her family joined us, so the kiddos got to enjoy the show together.  And buy cotton candy and hats together.

Brooklyn's was just a tad bit big, wouldn't you say?

She insisted that she could see where she was walking, but I beg to differ!

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