Us Now

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Want a bottle?

So Bryson’s a full-time walker now. No more crawling for this lil man.

It’s amazing how fast the transition occurs. His first true steps on April 14th. By May 11th, he was consistently taking multiple but wobbly steps on a daily basis, but it was more of an activity than a method of transportation. Today, by May 21st, I can’t remember the last day I saw him crawl! The other night we were all sitting on the living room floor when I asked if he was ready for bed, and if he wanted a bottle. He didn’t react with a yes, no, or heightened sense of excitement, but rather he just stood up. Walked into the kitchen. Marched his way right into the pantry. Grabbed the water bottle. Turned around and delivered it to me! Then he went back to the pantry, grabbed the formula dispenser, and brought that back to me, too! I was cracking up and in disbelief! I was glad Jackson was there to witness it because it seemed unbelievable that he would actually do that. We stopped giving him formula over a month ago, and that water bottle& formula dispenser have just been sitting on that bottom pantry shelf since then. He’s clearly had his eye on it! And more importantly, he clearly understands more than we give him credit for!

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