Us Now

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In need of a reminder...

Today was one of those days when I needed to look back on some of my old posts to remind myself that motherhood is in fact enjoyable.  Because if you asked me an hour ago, I wouldn't have responded positively...

The day began as picture day at school, so I expected a few extra phone calls from home this morning.  7:36: "What am I doing about her hair?" "Pigtails with pink bows." "Just the two? Ok, cool."  That was easy, I reflect to myself.  7:42. "Is she wearing the sweater, or just the shirt?" "Just the shirt." "And is he wearing the khaki or blue shorts? Am I fixing his hair, too? With what?" "Yes, there's gel on the counter.  I left both shorts out so you could choose." "I don't care! Blue. Gotta go, he needs a drink." 8:36:  They're in the car heading to school.  "He hates these shoes. He keeps taking them off." "Yeah, I know, but they match the outfit. Did you bring another pair for him to play in?" "No! How was I supposed to know that?" "I put his sandals on the dresser, too." "Well I didn't know that was why." "Oh well, just tell them he can play in socks today." "Okay, gotta go; B-I-N-G-O is on, it's time to sing." (Did you know that they have pandora stations that only play different varieties of B-I-N-G-O?  It's true. A dream come true, for our kids, apparently.) 


 After work, I rush away from the day job and clock into motherhood.  Arrive at school to two happy kids running toward me and ready to race down the stairs.  We're going to a playdate at my girlfriend's house, who has 2 kids; both almost exactly one year younger than each of mine.  When it's time to eat pizza (Bryson's favorite food), he climbs on the chair excitedly.  I lay a towel on the chair to prevent messes, and the wails begin. He doesn't want to sit on a towel. So my friend gets four more, and before you know it, we're all sitting on towels. Except for Bryson. "Nice try, lady, but it ain't gonna fly" I hear the thoughts in his head respond.  The wails continued for the majority of our 'playdate' until he couldn't take it anymore.  And he ate!  Two hours (and only 30 mins of play) later, the tearducts open up again, and we call it a night. Not a successful one, but it's a wrap. 

Brooklyn noticed that I was sad on the drive home.  "Mommy, don't be upset.  I want you to be happy all the time. (that's her new thing: sometimes or all the time)  When we get done driving, do you want to go to our house and play in my bedroom? We can pick out jackets. Would you like one, or would you like two?"  "I would like one, please."  "Okay. Would you like Wednesday or Friday?" "Um, Thursday, please." "Okay, another day is Tuesday.  We will play for five minutes and then two minutes, and I will make you happy, mommy."  Her sweet, grammatically correct and intelligent, rambling is music to my ears every single day.

So we came home, kissed bubba goodnight, ate another apple, some yogurt, and cherry tomatoes. And.We.Played. In her room. Just like she promised! A great ending to an evening that I thought I wanted to erase. Although, not completely...I'd really just prefer a re-do card, please.

My dear baby boy, I love you with all of my being, but you weren't very much fun tonight, bubba. I think I'll sneak a kiss in your sleep tonight when you're peaceful and precious.

Friday, September 7, 2012

I think he's a big boy, mommy

Experts tell us that kids play 'in parallel play' until at least 18 months to two years of age.  We watched that ring true with Brooklyn, but Bryson is a different story.  I'm sure birth order plays a role with this, but it's still incredible, nonetheless.  Bryson started interacting with his sissy by the time we celebrated his 14th month in this world. They share drinks and snacks in the car, reach across the vehicle to hold each other's feet (since they can't reach hands), they mimick each other's dance moves as we jam out to kid tunes, and most recently, they push each other around in the Cozy Coupe.  It's a promising beginning to what we hoped for when we took this dive into parenthood with blindfolds on.  After all, there's nothing that prepares one for life as a mom or dad...

We've officially reached the stage where one toy doesn't cut it.  If she has one, he requires the same. Distraction tactics are wearing off.  So, after a couple days of ear-peircing shrills from her as he chases her around the house attempting to steal her 'little toys' (aka Squinkies), we hit the store up for Bryson's very own gender-appropriate 'little toys'.  We get home and rip open the monster truck squinkies with the kind of excitement that delivers stomping feet, clapping hands, 'oooohs and aaaws!'.  Off they go!  I exhale a sigh of relief after patting myself on the back for my ingenious problem-solving tactics.  They begin trading each other toys - she gets a truck, and he gets Minnie Mouse.  At one point, Brooklyn turned to me and said, "He's sharing with me!  I think he's a a big boy, Mommy!"  Not ten minutes pass before I shudder from the sound of shrills echoing through the house. Brooklyn's decided to 'share' one of her toys with exchange for all 12 of his.  Although he declined her unattractive offer, somehow his toys still ended up in her possession.  In the act of retrieving them, she squeals, runs away, stiffens her legs, and hops up and down fighting tears.  There's no telling how many of these encounters I broke up today alone!  But we worked through each one, and ended the night watching Charlotte's Web as a family.  During the movie, my girl wanted to cuddle with her stuffed animals, but wasn't willing to get up and get them. So she asked her brother, who was comfortably positioned in his own chair.  Without hesitation, he got up and fulfilled her request, delivering Puppy...and every other toy from the floor into her lap!  "He's bringing me everything, Mom!", she said excitedly.

 After the movie and ice cream, we loooked over to find Brooklyn tickling him on the living room floor, as he bursted out in breath-taking giggles, a sound I wish I could bottle up and take with me.

I may have already shared this one, but I think it's my all time favorite this season: just an afternoon out on a hunt for some flowers with his sissy...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

THE lake

I grew up with friends whose parents had lakehouses, and it was a seemingly endless bucket of fun at those places. The smell of mildew, shag carpet, gold yellow furniture that offered the best view of the cobwebs and live spiders....great times!  Give me a sleeping bag with a handful of friends, and I was in! 

After we'd been dating for a while, when Jackson invited me to his Aunt Jan & Uncle Jerry's place, I had similar expectations. But, as with any first introduction to family, nerves were in full force. I reminisced on my first encounter with my (now) mother-in-law.  I had met her several times in the past through my lifelong bestie, but it was different meeting her as her son's girlfriend. And she was even more fun and inviting as I recalled from past encounters.  We went bowling and to a late lunch...or "Linner", to quote my family. We had a great time that I'll never forget!  So knowing that I was on my way to meet her sister, Jan, should've put me at ease, but my nerves were still very much present.  As we headed east to the lake, Jackson tried to convince me that they're a fun crowd. He spoke fondly of fun memores he'd shared with them. We pull into the drive and I realize...this isn't the lake house I had envisioned. It doesn't appear to be a house that belongs on a lake at all, as a matter of's gorgeous!
And my nerves heighten. I hope they're as kind as he's portraying them to be. He puts the car in park. We walk to the door...and we're welcomed with the biggest smiles and hugs that I had been wishing for!  Not only was my prediction of the house incorrect, but my nerves were immediately washed away with their warm welcome.   Almost immediately, I'm handed a fun adult beverage and invited to a beautiful table with a game of 'Battle of the Sexes' (where Jan and I are very outnumbered). Such a great beginning to a wonderful relationship with people I can now call family!  Residents of the Lone Star State, Jan & Jerry own a beautiful resort-like home on the lake, where the doors are always open.

We've made so many fun memories here that will last forever.  Pregnant with Brooklyn, we had a couple friend join us for a day of sun followed by a night enjoying the sunset view...

We attended family gatherings, as we watched our baby girl become more social,

fall in love with Aunt Jan

& Uncle Jerry,

swim in the swimming pool...

We enjoyed some well-deserved adult fun together,

and had fun watching the kids make friends with others,

and with each other,
and cracked up as Bryson kicked up his feet in pleasure.
We watched some funny adults go hog-wild playing games together

enjoyed the balcony view, with the loves of our lives...

This place didn't just change my perspective of the lake life, but it's created so many memories for our family that will never be forgotten.
Thank you, Jan and Jerry, for fostering such a cozy, fun atmosphere for the family to enjoy!


2012 Family Reunion

The alarm began buzzing at 3:15 a.m.  We had a 6 a.m. flight to Denver. Just two months before this trip, Brooklyn was begging to fly on an airplane with me.  I hoped she'd have the same excited attitude this morning.  Not much time for thinking this particular morning, as we rushed around the house making sure the truck had been properly packed the night before. We shower, load up a couple zombies into carseats and head to the airport. As we pass the Riverside exit, Jackson asks "You got Bryson's birth certificate?"  "No, think we need it?!" So I call the airline...yep...we need it!  Bad words! (as Aunt Susi says). Turn around, drive like a mad man (*a safe old mad man, with two kids in tow), get home, I run upstairs and return with birth cert in hand in record-breaking time. Groundhog day resumes.  Off we are! to the airport.  Plane waiting for us, my girl hesitates. "I don't want to ride on the airplane." "Oh, but look at the pretty red stripe!" I try to convince her. "It'll be soooo fun! We'll see Mr. Sun up close and go way high up in the air!" And yes, I did it. Peer pressure. "Bryson is excited!"  (Yeah, yeah, maybe he's just ignorant about the whole experience...shhh!)  She caves: "Okay, mommy, let's go!" 

Long story short. We fly. Kids love it.  Success. 

Arrive in Denver. Drowsy...deliriuous, actually.  Go from a plane to a train, to a bus, to a car. 

The kids were exposed to more transportation in 12 hours than they have been in their whole (15 and 31 months) of life. And it wore them (and us) out!  Three hours in the car later, we arrive at our destination.  Ready for our first Lee Family reunion!  I have a pretty small family. My dad has three siblings:

Uncle Buddy, a fun character whom I don't see enough of;

Aunt Becky, who watches with joy from above;
Aunt Liz, who raises her grandchildren while her daughter watches (with comfort and pride) from above.

Born in the fifties, my dad was raised by both parents.  What a life my grandparents led, and what an impact they had, and still have, on the family, myself especially. Memories of Riverside, CA are still so vivid in my mind. Grandpa's golden brown Honda Civic taking us to Calvary Baptist church. Swimming in the pool at the apartment complex with hem...Marie...Bridgette, Donna and Michael. Frisky, the puppy, keeping us company while snacking on pepperoni Comb-O's as Uncle Buddy taught me Tetris on the PC.  Grandma & Grandpa Lee had a significnat impact on me that still exists today.  My impression was that they led very humble lives and went without luxuries in hopes that others would be able to survive and learn about the love that our Heavenly Father has to offer.

But I digress...back to the reunion: We spent the week under the roof of a wonderful home in Glenwood Springs, CO.  We visited Glenwood Springs Adventure Park,

where Brooklyn surprised us with confidence we didn't know she had, riding rides intended for 4-year-olds (41+ inches).
We had a blast watching our kids, neices, nephews, second cousins, and even my parents seeking thrills on rides. 

The "big kids" enjoyed a white water rafting trip, with plenty of chilly showers from above, and a group went horse-back riding on the last morning.  It was a fun-filled reunion!
We reserved the last night of the vaca for our immediate family, staying in a hotel with a telephone,

and a water park, where both kids went down slides that caused my to take deep breaths and convince myself things were going to be okay. 

Everyone survived and had a fabulous time!  But at the end of the day, as excited as she may have been about the water slide or the gondola ride,

If you asked my little girl what she wanted to do most, she'd tell you without hesitiation: "Let's pick flowers, Mommy!" Aaahhh...the simple joys in life. :)

This trip meant the world to me. My parents' love for each other and for the rest of the family has had an everlasting effect on me as not only a mother, but as a person. I love you, Mom and Dad.  And I hope that our relationship will be reflective of that with me and my kiddos.  Family is everything.

Those boys and girls better be very, very careful

Trying to teach the kids to be aware and cautious of cars has been a challenge.  How do you teach them that only cars coming in their direction are dangerous? The parked cars aren't's the moving ones.  And not the moving ones going in the other direction - the ones coming towards you!  And it's okay if you're on a sidewalk, far, far away from a car going the completely opposite direction! Well, we're still working on the details, because Brooklyn still doesn't look both ways yet. But I tell you what...if she sees you (or any other stranger for that matter), on the sidewalk in any close vicinity of a moving object, she'll scold you!  "You boys and girls! You better be careful, because you can get very, very, VERY hurt. You'll have to go to the doctor, and you'll need lots and lots of bandaids.  You better watch out!!"  Yeah, she talks the she walks out into the street without looking both out, boys and girls!