Us Now

Friday, September 7, 2012

I think he's a big boy, mommy

Experts tell us that kids play 'in parallel play' until at least 18 months to two years of age.  We watched that ring true with Brooklyn, but Bryson is a different story.  I'm sure birth order plays a role with this, but it's still incredible, nonetheless.  Bryson started interacting with his sissy by the time we celebrated his 14th month in this world. They share drinks and snacks in the car, reach across the vehicle to hold each other's feet (since they can't reach hands), they mimick each other's dance moves as we jam out to kid tunes, and most recently, they push each other around in the Cozy Coupe.  It's a promising beginning to what we hoped for when we took this dive into parenthood with blindfolds on.  After all, there's nothing that prepares one for life as a mom or dad...

We've officially reached the stage where one toy doesn't cut it.  If she has one, he requires the same. Distraction tactics are wearing off.  So, after a couple days of ear-peircing shrills from her as he chases her around the house attempting to steal her 'little toys' (aka Squinkies), we hit the store up for Bryson's very own gender-appropriate 'little toys'.  We get home and rip open the monster truck squinkies with the kind of excitement that delivers stomping feet, clapping hands, 'oooohs and aaaws!'.  Off they go!  I exhale a sigh of relief after patting myself on the back for my ingenious problem-solving tactics.  They begin trading each other toys - she gets a truck, and he gets Minnie Mouse.  At one point, Brooklyn turned to me and said, "He's sharing with me!  I think he's a a big boy, Mommy!"  Not ten minutes pass before I shudder from the sound of shrills echoing through the house. Brooklyn's decided to 'share' one of her toys with exchange for all 12 of his.  Although he declined her unattractive offer, somehow his toys still ended up in her possession.  In the act of retrieving them, she squeals, runs away, stiffens her legs, and hops up and down fighting tears.  There's no telling how many of these encounters I broke up today alone!  But we worked through each one, and ended the night watching Charlotte's Web as a family.  During the movie, my girl wanted to cuddle with her stuffed animals, but wasn't willing to get up and get them. So she asked her brother, who was comfortably positioned in his own chair.  Without hesitation, he got up and fulfilled her request, delivering Puppy...and every other toy from the floor into her lap!  "He's bringing me everything, Mom!", she said excitedly.

 After the movie and ice cream, we loooked over to find Brooklyn tickling him on the living room floor, as he bursted out in breath-taking giggles, a sound I wish I could bottle up and take with me.

I may have already shared this one, but I think it's my all time favorite this season: just an afternoon out on a hunt for some flowers with his sissy...

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