Us Now

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Those boys and girls better be very, very careful

Trying to teach the kids to be aware and cautious of cars has been a challenge.  How do you teach them that only cars coming in their direction are dangerous? The parked cars aren't's the moving ones.  And not the moving ones going in the other direction - the ones coming towards you!  And it's okay if you're on a sidewalk, far, far away from a car going the completely opposite direction! Well, we're still working on the details, because Brooklyn still doesn't look both ways yet. But I tell you what...if she sees you (or any other stranger for that matter), on the sidewalk in any close vicinity of a moving object, she'll scold you!  "You boys and girls! You better be careful, because you can get very, very, VERY hurt. You'll have to go to the doctor, and you'll need lots and lots of bandaids.  You better watch out!!"  Yeah, she talks the she walks out into the street without looking both out, boys and girls! 

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