Us Now

Saturday, September 1, 2012

THE lake

I grew up with friends whose parents had lakehouses, and it was a seemingly endless bucket of fun at those places. The smell of mildew, shag carpet, gold yellow furniture that offered the best view of the cobwebs and live spiders....great times!  Give me a sleeping bag with a handful of friends, and I was in! 

After we'd been dating for a while, when Jackson invited me to his Aunt Jan & Uncle Jerry's place, I had similar expectations. But, as with any first introduction to family, nerves were in full force. I reminisced on my first encounter with my (now) mother-in-law.  I had met her several times in the past through my lifelong bestie, but it was different meeting her as her son's girlfriend. And she was even more fun and inviting as I recalled from past encounters.  We went bowling and to a late lunch...or "Linner", to quote my family. We had a great time that I'll never forget!  So knowing that I was on my way to meet her sister, Jan, should've put me at ease, but my nerves were still very much present.  As we headed east to the lake, Jackson tried to convince me that they're a fun crowd. He spoke fondly of fun memores he'd shared with them. We pull into the drive and I realize...this isn't the lake house I had envisioned. It doesn't appear to be a house that belongs on a lake at all, as a matter of's gorgeous!
And my nerves heighten. I hope they're as kind as he's portraying them to be. He puts the car in park. We walk to the door...and we're welcomed with the biggest smiles and hugs that I had been wishing for!  Not only was my prediction of the house incorrect, but my nerves were immediately washed away with their warm welcome.   Almost immediately, I'm handed a fun adult beverage and invited to a beautiful table with a game of 'Battle of the Sexes' (where Jan and I are very outnumbered). Such a great beginning to a wonderful relationship with people I can now call family!  Residents of the Lone Star State, Jan & Jerry own a beautiful resort-like home on the lake, where the doors are always open.

We've made so many fun memories here that will last forever.  Pregnant with Brooklyn, we had a couple friend join us for a day of sun followed by a night enjoying the sunset view...

We attended family gatherings, as we watched our baby girl become more social,

fall in love with Aunt Jan

& Uncle Jerry,

swim in the swimming pool...

We enjoyed some well-deserved adult fun together,

and had fun watching the kids make friends with others,

and with each other,
and cracked up as Bryson kicked up his feet in pleasure.
We watched some funny adults go hog-wild playing games together

enjoyed the balcony view, with the loves of our lives...

This place didn't just change my perspective of the lake life, but it's created so many memories for our family that will never be forgotten.
Thank you, Jan and Jerry, for fostering such a cozy, fun atmosphere for the family to enjoy!


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