Us Now

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm calling to report my daughter's absence today.

In between my days at Union and Bixby, I endured a year at an anonymous private school.  I wasn't happy with my parents' decision to change my schools. After all, I was revelling in my awkward tween years and relating to others when I was barely comfortable in my own skin was difficult, to say the least. It was during this year that my mom recited the sentence above quite often. My attendance was horrendous that year! I'm surprised I passed. Sorry about that, Mom & Dad!

As many may know, I started my part time job a week ago today. Being that it's part time, today is my 4th scheduled day.  But instead of working away in the office, I'm back in my recliner blogging. "Why?", you may ask.  I guess it's my turn.  I recited the sentence above just 30 minutes ago...for the first time! :(  Poor Brooklyn is fighting a fever and runny nose in her crib as I type.  It started last night, after waking from her 4:00 nap. She was piping hot and crying for no apparent reason. After a cool bath and some time to cool off outside, the thermometer read 102.8.  I started the timer, alternating between Tylenol & Ibuprofen every 4 hours throughout the night, hoping that the fever would diminish in time for school/work today. The 101.0 reading from a smiling face this morning delivered a dillemma: maybe they won't notice she's running a fever and I can avoid calling in to work! But if they do notice and send her home, she has to be fever-free for 24 hours without medicinal assistance, meaning they won't take her back tomorrow!  Besides, will she get the rest she needs, if she does go to school?  "Yes, she'll be fine!", I convince myself. Into the car we load up, and down the road we drive. One mile exactly.  It's there that my conscience pulls the car onto a side road, and forces me to make the necessary phone calls, turn the car around, and pull back into the garage. We're going to double up on her rest today, and hope that she wakes up smiling and fever-free soon. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Productivity: gotta love it

When living in my first apartment (a decade ago, omg!!) I remember taking note of how many cars sat in the parking lot all day on a sunny Saturday afternoon. It boggled (and bothered) me. Why is everyone home and inside on such a beautiful day?, I wondered as I ran out to my car in a rush to be somewhere, or to see someone. I guess I didn't consider that on the other side of the door to their home, they may be raising a child, which requires a lot of inside time. You've got nap time, snack time, play time, crawl time, tantrum time...all kinds of inside time when you have a baby!  Of course I realize this now, when it dawns on me that the wheels on my car haven't gone round and round in two days. Don't get me wrong, we play in the yard, go on lots and lots of walks, but yes, we also spend a lot of time inside...even on the sunny, sultry days of this Oklahoma summer.  But this was a tough adjustment for me!

Now, if you know me at all, you should know that I'm a pretty active being.  For the last several years, while Jackson & I were establishing the life that we now share, I was balancing a full time college schedule with a full time job (in addition to moving, changing jobs, getting hitched, moving again, getting pregnant & bearing a child!).  So when I completed my degree requirements this summer, shortly after quitting my awesome job at ONEOK to be at home with Brooklyn, I found myself in an odd state of monotony.  More free time than I knew what to do with! My daily objectives went from staff meetings, lunch appointments, seminars, and exams to playing with Brooklyn and keeping house!  Sounded like a dream come true in the beginning!  But there are only so many days that I can kick my feet up at the end of the day, look at my straight vacuum lines, clean kitchen, and busy daughter and feel accomplished.  I was seriously lacking the sense of accomplishment that I had come to know so well in the past years at work.

So I'm thrilled beyond words to report today that 6 months and 3 days after putting my career on hold, I've reconnected with the professional world!  I'm now the proud employee of a part time job!  And tonight, as my body becomes one with my recliner after overeating and blaming it on the starving baby in my belly, I will not only admire my straight vacuum lines, clean kitchen, and reflect on my busy happy daughter, but I will also possess a sense of accomplishment for a job well done at my new J-O-B today!  It feels GREAT! 

Because the focus of this blog is Brooklyn (not me!), I'll end with a story of her day. I went to pick her up from 'school' only to find her playing solo in the kitchenette at the back of the classroom. So, unbeknownst to her, I sneaked in, gathered her things and talked to the teacher.  Then I approached Brooklyn with my arms out, offering to pick her up. She looked at me. Looked at her hands (which were full of toys), and crawled away, as if to say "sorry, Mom, but my hands are full, and I'm a busy woman.  Peace."  I think today was a good day in her world, too. :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grandparents make this world a sweeter place

If there were a contest to enter for the world's best Grandma, I would find myself in quite the predicament!  I'm fortunate to have a Nona that lives 15 minutes away. But it's not the fact that she's nearby that makes her so great, it's that she plays such an active role in all of our lives. She takes her great-granddaughter to school every morning. She's always willing and offering to watch any and all of the great-grandkids. She rarely misses a football/baseball/basketball game, cheerleader performance, birthday party, baby shower, or any other random family gathering. And this is just what she does for her family.  She's a special friend to many, a mom to 3 four-legged friends (who get individual walks...twice a day!), and she volunteers at both the Cancer Treatment Center and the Little Light House.  How she has room in her schedule (or her heart!) for all of us amazes me!

My other Grandma lives in the beautiful state of California (who can blame her?!). But just because she's not as accessible, doesn't mean she doesn't live up to her 'Grand' name, too.  An active participant in church and her family's life, she's helps in raising her great-grandchildren, who lost their mom at a young age. She watches the 3 of them several afternoons of the week, when they get home from school. And while I'm not there to see it, I am certain that she's a proud member of the audience anytime those kids are displaying their talents, whether it be at soccer games, school plays, or boy scouts.  I have childhood memories of her big warm hugs as she told me how proud she was of me, and I'm sure she shares those hugs with her great-grandkids, too.  You always know where you stand with Grandma her big and forgiving heart! So even though I only see her but once a year or so, I know that my family and I are in her daily prayers, just as she's in ours.

It's such an awesome feeling to know that Brooklyn is fortunate to be so loved by her grandparents, too. She is the apple of their eyes, and I know their love will only continue to grow over the years.

Just wanted to give a belated shout out to the wonderful Grandmas in my life, in honor of Grandparent's Day, which was September 12.  Thank you for all that you do! It doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Big Day!

Brooklyn is just nonstop when she's not conked out in her crib. An extremist, you might say. She started the day by crawling everywhere, as usual:

...and leaning against toys and furniture for balance:

But before lunch, she abandoned her support structures completely and was popping up left and right from her catcher's stance:
If she falls down, hey, no sweat. She just pops back up again. (And notice, she does this with her hands full...nearly every time!!)

Then. It happened. She had her hands full with toys as I was snapping pictures, and she took not one...not two...but THREE steps toward me!!! It was beautiful! Arms spread eagle, huge proud smile on that precious face, and giggles when her bottom hit the floor!

Maybe it's something in the mac-n-cheese she had for lunch?? :)
Oh, I can't wait til tomorrow...!!


It's consistenly showing more and more with each passing day. Since the moment I saw the positive test result, I prayed that our baby would get her daddy's patience. Well, she got his looks, that's for sure. But it seems that God has given me a mini me, when it comes to the patience department! (And while my mom tries to console my frustration at times, deep down I think she's giggling inside!) I'm getting a taste of my own medicine, as they say! Brooklyn is a very determined little girl (as am I)...and has been since day one, when she was determined to stay in my belly for as long as her heart desired! Here's an example of the personality I speak of:

She was standing against the dishwasher when Jackson pulled her off to redirect her play. She huffed, puffed and squealed as she just walked away from him. 'Hmph!', she said.

Yes, I said she walked away from him! Of course, his arms were circling her body to catch her, in case of a fall, but he said he wasn't supporting or directing her steps by any means. I'm not counting these as her first steps, of course, because I wasn't here to see it. Ha!! I quit my job to be able to enjoy all of the 'firsts' with her, and what happens?! I'm not home to see it!

Needless to say, after seeing this, Jackson retracted his bet with my dad that she wouldn't be walking before Halloween. Now he thinks she'll be walking by the end of the week!! I, on the other hand, think our determined princess will do it on her time...whenever she wants to! Because after all, this is her world, and she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, right? :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Clothes, girlfriends, and parties!

I saw a glimpse of Brooklyn's future the other morning while trying to dress her in jeans:

These are supposed to be jeans; not capris! We packed away 5 pair that she'll never wear because she outgrew them before the seasons changed! I have a feeling she'll be searching for LONG jeans all her life, just like her mommy. (Mind you, the pants in this picture are for 12-18 month-olds. She's 10 months today. Seriously?!?)

We designated Thursday nights as our 'Family Night', and we spent several Thursdays in August at Summer's Fifth night on a picnic blanket as we enjoyed the live music. Brooklyn loved it!

NEWSFLASH: Our baby is finally expanding her circle of friends to include people other than just Mom & Dad! YAY!
Here she is playing with her second cousin, Brooke...

...and the kitty kats, (especially Zag who lets her pull, poke and prod til her heart's content)...

...and some friends she met at Auntie A's baby shower this last weekend...

She was a great help at the shower, testing the play mat and Juke Box for baby Addyson, while also attempting to open gifts for Auntie A...
Congrats, Adriann & Kevin! We're excited to meet miss Addyson! :)

And finally, I'll leave you with a new favorite pose of mine: