Us Now

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Productivity: gotta love it

When living in my first apartment (a decade ago, omg!!) I remember taking note of how many cars sat in the parking lot all day on a sunny Saturday afternoon. It boggled (and bothered) me. Why is everyone home and inside on such a beautiful day?, I wondered as I ran out to my car in a rush to be somewhere, or to see someone. I guess I didn't consider that on the other side of the door to their home, they may be raising a child, which requires a lot of inside time. You've got nap time, snack time, play time, crawl time, tantrum time...all kinds of inside time when you have a baby!  Of course I realize this now, when it dawns on me that the wheels on my car haven't gone round and round in two days. Don't get me wrong, we play in the yard, go on lots and lots of walks, but yes, we also spend a lot of time inside...even on the sunny, sultry days of this Oklahoma summer.  But this was a tough adjustment for me!

Now, if you know me at all, you should know that I'm a pretty active being.  For the last several years, while Jackson & I were establishing the life that we now share, I was balancing a full time college schedule with a full time job (in addition to moving, changing jobs, getting hitched, moving again, getting pregnant & bearing a child!).  So when I completed my degree requirements this summer, shortly after quitting my awesome job at ONEOK to be at home with Brooklyn, I found myself in an odd state of monotony.  More free time than I knew what to do with! My daily objectives went from staff meetings, lunch appointments, seminars, and exams to playing with Brooklyn and keeping house!  Sounded like a dream come true in the beginning!  But there are only so many days that I can kick my feet up at the end of the day, look at my straight vacuum lines, clean kitchen, and busy daughter and feel accomplished.  I was seriously lacking the sense of accomplishment that I had come to know so well in the past years at work.

So I'm thrilled beyond words to report today that 6 months and 3 days after putting my career on hold, I've reconnected with the professional world!  I'm now the proud employee of a part time job!  And tonight, as my body becomes one with my recliner after overeating and blaming it on the starving baby in my belly, I will not only admire my straight vacuum lines, clean kitchen, and reflect on my busy happy daughter, but I will also possess a sense of accomplishment for a job well done at my new J-O-B today!  It feels GREAT! 

Because the focus of this blog is Brooklyn (not me!), I'll end with a story of her day. I went to pick her up from 'school' only to find her playing solo in the kitchenette at the back of the classroom. So, unbeknownst to her, I sneaked in, gathered her things and talked to the teacher.  Then I approached Brooklyn with my arms out, offering to pick her up. She looked at me. Looked at her hands (which were full of toys), and crawled away, as if to say "sorry, Mom, but my hands are full, and I'm a busy woman.  Peace."  I think today was a good day in her world, too. :)

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