Us Now

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grandparents make this world a sweeter place

If there were a contest to enter for the world's best Grandma, I would find myself in quite the predicament!  I'm fortunate to have a Nona that lives 15 minutes away. But it's not the fact that she's nearby that makes her so great, it's that she plays such an active role in all of our lives. She takes her great-granddaughter to school every morning. She's always willing and offering to watch any and all of the great-grandkids. She rarely misses a football/baseball/basketball game, cheerleader performance, birthday party, baby shower, or any other random family gathering. And this is just what she does for her family.  She's a special friend to many, a mom to 3 four-legged friends (who get individual walks...twice a day!), and she volunteers at both the Cancer Treatment Center and the Little Light House.  How she has room in her schedule (or her heart!) for all of us amazes me!

My other Grandma lives in the beautiful state of California (who can blame her?!). But just because she's not as accessible, doesn't mean she doesn't live up to her 'Grand' name, too.  An active participant in church and her family's life, she's helps in raising her great-grandchildren, who lost their mom at a young age. She watches the 3 of them several afternoons of the week, when they get home from school. And while I'm not there to see it, I am certain that she's a proud member of the audience anytime those kids are displaying their talents, whether it be at soccer games, school plays, or boy scouts.  I have childhood memories of her big warm hugs as she told me how proud she was of me, and I'm sure she shares those hugs with her great-grandkids, too.  You always know where you stand with Grandma her big and forgiving heart! So even though I only see her but once a year or so, I know that my family and I are in her daily prayers, just as she's in ours.

It's such an awesome feeling to know that Brooklyn is fortunate to be so loved by her grandparents, too. She is the apple of their eyes, and I know their love will only continue to grow over the years.

Just wanted to give a belated shout out to the wonderful Grandmas in my life, in honor of Grandparent's Day, which was September 12.  Thank you for all that you do! It doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

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