Us Now

Monday, September 13, 2010

Big Day!

Brooklyn is just nonstop when she's not conked out in her crib. An extremist, you might say. She started the day by crawling everywhere, as usual:

...and leaning against toys and furniture for balance:

But before lunch, she abandoned her support structures completely and was popping up left and right from her catcher's stance:
If she falls down, hey, no sweat. She just pops back up again. (And notice, she does this with her hands full...nearly every time!!)

Then. It happened. She had her hands full with toys as I was snapping pictures, and she took not one...not two...but THREE steps toward me!!! It was beautiful! Arms spread eagle, huge proud smile on that precious face, and giggles when her bottom hit the floor!

Maybe it's something in the mac-n-cheese she had for lunch?? :)
Oh, I can't wait til tomorrow...!!