Us Now

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm calling to report my daughter's absence today.

In between my days at Union and Bixby, I endured a year at an anonymous private school.  I wasn't happy with my parents' decision to change my schools. After all, I was revelling in my awkward tween years and relating to others when I was barely comfortable in my own skin was difficult, to say the least. It was during this year that my mom recited the sentence above quite often. My attendance was horrendous that year! I'm surprised I passed. Sorry about that, Mom & Dad!

As many may know, I started my part time job a week ago today. Being that it's part time, today is my 4th scheduled day.  But instead of working away in the office, I'm back in my recliner blogging. "Why?", you may ask.  I guess it's my turn.  I recited the sentence above just 30 minutes ago...for the first time! :(  Poor Brooklyn is fighting a fever and runny nose in her crib as I type.  It started last night, after waking from her 4:00 nap. She was piping hot and crying for no apparent reason. After a cool bath and some time to cool off outside, the thermometer read 102.8.  I started the timer, alternating between Tylenol & Ibuprofen every 4 hours throughout the night, hoping that the fever would diminish in time for school/work today. The 101.0 reading from a smiling face this morning delivered a dillemma: maybe they won't notice she's running a fever and I can avoid calling in to work! But if they do notice and send her home, she has to be fever-free for 24 hours without medicinal assistance, meaning they won't take her back tomorrow!  Besides, will she get the rest she needs, if she does go to school?  "Yes, she'll be fine!", I convince myself. Into the car we load up, and down the road we drive. One mile exactly.  It's there that my conscience pulls the car onto a side road, and forces me to make the necessary phone calls, turn the car around, and pull back into the garage. We're going to double up on her rest today, and hope that she wakes up smiling and fever-free soon. 

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