Us Now

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just a random funny

One really exciting part about Brooklyn turning 1 was that we got to turn her carseat around to face forward: yay! Now we can look back & see her face instead of the back of her carseat. It's so much fun. So on our way to school this morning, she was determined to get her shoes off. Most of the time I can distract her with a toy and she'll forget about the annoying shoes on her feet. But nothing was taking her mind off the mission today. So I gave up the fight on the shoes, and they were off in minutes. (She likes to play with the velcro, and I don't blame her!)  It was when she was tugging at her socks that I got involved again. "No, Brooklyn. Leave your socks on your feet, please," I say as I'm making eye contact with her at a red light. She looks smugly at me, "Sure, Mom. Now turn around and watch the road," I read through those big, mischevious eyes. So I follow her directions and turn around...and position my mirror accordingly!  As soon as she thinks my eyes are off of her, her fingers are on that sock & a grin is plastered on her face as she stares at the back of my head. Seriously?!  She really thinks she's got it figured out! And it is so cute! This was of course impossible not to laugh at! So I start to giggle...which in turn causes her to giggle, and before we know it, we're cracking up laughing at each other.

Now it's no secret that people sometimes change their behavior depending on who they're around. Well, we're beginning to learn just how differently Brooklyn behaves with us, and it's hilarious! While I was sick last weekend, Jackson was stuck caring for both Brooklyn and I. I don't think I picked Brooklyn up for two days straight! It was after all of this one-on-one time with her that he said to me, "she's a lot nicer to me when you're not around!" And I realized "she listens to you a lot better!" And "she doesn't whine with you like she does with me!" To which he responds, "Well I tell her 'no whining'!" And I rebut, "So do I, but she doesn't listen!" Then it dawns on us...she's figuring us out!  We're being manipulated! I can just see our future: Dad says no, and she comes to Mom. What do they say? Something about history repeating itself...?  Uh oh...

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